Important Notices

Celebration of the Arts - we need your help
With COTA happening next Thursday (24th October), we are asking all of our families to help turn it into an amazing community event. There are a few ways that we would love your support;
Volunteers needed
We require a large number of parent volunteers to donate their time to help set up on the day or on evening to staff the stalls or cook on the BBQs to ensure no one goes hungry. The phrase 'many hands makes light work' has never been more true and, by signing up, you can ensure that our hard working SKIPPA parents also get a chance to enjoy the evening and see their children perform.
Please click on the click to sign up
SKIPPS Famous Cake stall
- Keep the kids busy over the weekend, searching for and preparing recipes to bake for the Cake Stall for COTA.
- We ask those who are able, to provide some baked goods like slices, biscuits, cupcakes - anything that is easy to hold and eat.
- Drop off your baked goodies in the Pavilion Kitchen either after before and after school Wednesday 23 October and before school Thursday 24 October.
Food options on the night
We have some delicious food on offer next week at COTA, don’t forget your picnic rugs, drink bottles and cash!
Pasta & Sushi Stall
$4.00 a bowl - Sponsored by the Gnoccheria in Middle Park.
- Pasta with Traditional Ragu
- Pasta with Vegetable and Lentil Sauce (vegan)
- Sushi $4 a handroll
- Beef or Vegan Burger $5
- Sausage in bread $3 (vegan option available)
World Teachers Day - Friday 25th October
Closing Dates soon for:
- School Saving Bonus - any change of contact details updated with the school by Thursday 17th October - please check with the office that we have your current email address on file as this is how the Government will send you details of your $400 for the 2025 School Saving Bonus
- Sushi Fridays school lunch orders close tomorrow (Thursday 17th October) at 10am - place your orders at
- Mango Fundraiser tray orders closing - place your orders by Monday 28th October at
Curriculum Day - Monday 4th November
With the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday on Tuesday 5th November, plan your long weekend now, as students will not be required at school on this day.
Team Kids will be available to supervise your child on Monday 4th November if needed. Reserve a spot at
Let us know your plans for 2025
We are well into the process of planning for next year, creating classes, employing staff and setting budgets for a successful 2025.
As our budget is determined by enrolment numbers, it is vital that we get an accurate picture of how many students we will have at SKiPPS at the start of next year.
If your Foundation - Year 5 child is going to be elsewhere next year, we would appreciate you letting us know as soon as possible.
Victorian School Building Authority Visit
It has been such a busy year that it is easy to forget we were covered in scaffolding for the first quarter of 2024 as our slate roof was fully replaced by the Victorian School Building Authority (the part of the Education Department that builds, maintains and upgrades Government schools).
Today we were visited by a team from the VSBA to view the incredible results of this project. They were so impressed by the beautiful new slate and shiny flashings and gutters that they decided to showcase SKiPPS through their social media channels.
VSBA managers, a couple of confident students and Neil were interviewed and lots of footage was taken of the stunning end result. This will be used in promotional videos and content for the VSBA and Education Department in the coming months.
Having a new roof that will last us for the next 75 years is a great outcome and it was great to be able to show it off and take pride in our school for a wider audience. We look forward to sharing the end results.
Australian Girls Choir
The Australian Girls Choir will be conducting a Workshop Friday 25th October at 2.30pm, for all girls interesting in participating.
Notices have been sent home and girls interested in participating need to return their signed permission form to their class teacher as soon as possible, so we may cater for numbers.
Urban Adventurers Club