A message from the Principal

Last week I shared the news that we are making a change to our class structure from the start of 2025.
Thanks to the parents who have been in touch to provide feedback on this decision.
Whilst the majority of the communications I have received have been supportive of the new, year-level class structure, we understand that there are a range of views and some parents (and students) have questions or concerns over this change.
In making this decision, we spent a lot of time understanding the emerging priorities and research in education as summarised last week. We unpacked the idea with staff extensively and consulted with system leaders and other schools.
We sought the views of School Council.
We took the educational decision that we believe will lead to the best outcomes for our students in their learning and wellbeing.
That is not to say that the decision was easy. There is a lot that we love about our current composite structure that has played a part in creating such a happy, vibrant and successful school since we moved to it around 14 years ago.
Work has already started to explore the actions we can take now to ensure that we mitigate and reduce any potential negative aspects of this change.
For example, a concern held by some staff and parents is that a single year-level structure might reduce the opportunities for students to learn, play and build strong connections beyond their cohort.
We are already planning that some 2025 units and learning will still be completed across the wider Year 1/2, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 groupings, even if class groupings and core learning in English and Maths will be year-level based.
We are planning for termly 'special days' such as Harmony Day, Italian Day and NAIDOC week celebrations to be run in multi-age groupings where students work in groups with students from right across the school.
Programs like buddies will also continue to allow for students to get to know and support each other.
Whilst this decision has been taken by the school for educational reasons, we are always keen to hear the views of parents and students. This might include any other thoughts or ideas as to how we make the change from composite class groupings to year-level grades as smooth and positive as possible. Perhaps you have ideas for how we can ensure our vibrant and positive school community is not negatively impacted.
We have put together a short online form to gather the views and ideas of our community and encourage you to spend a few minutes sharing these with us.
Alternatively, I am always happy to meet with community members to discuss things at greater length.
Neil Scott
Neil Scott