From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to Week 4, Term 4!
Once again it's great to be back. I would like to thank Mrs Deiderick in particular for relieving in my absence, and Mrs Pennington and Mrs Polson for their support and leadership.
Congratulations Holly
Last week I had the pleasure of presenting Miss Newman with an award on behalf of the New England Education Cooperative. Holly received the Alan Kerr Memorial Award for a teacher in their first six years of service.
Holly has been a member of the Martin’s Gully school staff since 2017, first working as a School Learning Support Officer while studying at the University of New England and then as a classroom teacher from 2021.
Holly has proven herself to be an exceptional teacher. She is a strong advocate for building positive culture and values, celebrating the achievements of all students. Her dedicated approach to teaching, characterised by engaging lessons, personalised instruction, and a genuine passion for student success, has made a profound impact on all students’ academic growth in her care.
Holly displays dedication to improving as a teacher, is respected by the teaching staff and her opinion is valued within professional conversations. She is always willing to assist and organise school events, improving the educational outcomes for all students, working to provide every student with the skills to become active, involved and positive members of the community. Congratulations Holly.
Outdoor Learning Day and FM 100.3
We are looking forward to our Outdoor Classroom Day tomorrow. Parents are welcome to visit throughout the day.
FM 100.3 will be broadcast from Martin's Gully School from 7.00am to 10.00am as well from in front of the office area. Students and parents, can come along and say hello to Mike.
Students will have 2 outdoor lessons with guest presenters on the day and additional outdoor lessons with their own classroom teacher, making it a truly outdoor classroom day! Parents and carers are welcome to come along and join in any of the planned activities. Parents and community members are welcome to join us throughout the day.
Staffing 2025
We are currently in the process of looking at our class structure for 2025, plus what teachers will be on each class. I can inform you that there will be some changes with who will be at Martin's Gully next year.
First, we welcome to our staff Mr Mark Annettes. Mark has been appointed to our school, filling a classroom teacher vacancy held by Mrs Clyde-Smith who is now Principal of Rocky River PS. Mark is currently teaching at Sandon PS. We will also welcome back Mrs Killen who has been on maternity leave.
Now, those that are leaving - Ms Landow and her family will be returning to Port Macquarie. Rhianna has been at Martin's Gully since 2019 and will be greatly missed. We also have Miss Newman away next year as she heads up to Lismore for the year, and Mrs Harris is going to Kelly's Plains PS.
I am hoping to be able to publish our staffing structure within the next couple of weeks.
Kindergarten Transition
Yesterday, we welcomed our 2025 Kindergarten students and their families to the first transition morning. At this stage we have 28 Kindergarten students enrolled. From all reports the students had a great morning. The next transition session is on Tuesday 19th November.
Additional School Development Days
Last week there was an announcement that schools will now have eight school development days - four at the beginning of the year, two at the beginning of Term 2 and one each at the beginning of Term 3 and 4. So, for your reference, school at the beginning of next year will start on Thursday 6th February for all students. There will be no staggered start for Kindergarten. They will also start on the same day.
Assembly Roster
This term we will be holding assemblies in weeks 5, 7 and finishing off with our formal Celebration of Learning on Friday 13 December at 10am.
The Assembly schedule will be as follows:
Week 5 - Creative Arts - for students who learn a musical instrument or have dance lessons. Students need to see Mrs Pennington by Monday 4th November to put their names down.
Week 7 - K-2 Choir performing and Grandparents or Grandfriends are invited to come and share a book at 12pm
Week 9 - Celebration of Learning 10am
You Can Do It!
As a parent, it is hard to know all the answers when it comes to raising children – especially in the area of building their resilience. “Bad stuff” happens to all children – and teaching your children healthy and helpful ways to think in order to manage situations makes a huge difference.
You can have the following conversations with your child:
1. Healthy thinking protects you
There are two ways you can think when BAD STUFF happens to you such as when someone is being mean to you or you don’t do so well at school.
Unhealthy thinking: “I’m a total loser, there’s nothing good about me” which causes you to feel bad (down and worried).”
Healthy thinking: “I am me and that’s OK – I’m proud of who I am even when bad stuff happens” which helps you to stay confident and positive.
2. Don’t blow the badness of things out of proportion
When someone is really mean to you, or when you don’t do well at something, you could think: “This is bad, but it’s not the worst thing that could ever happen to me”. (There’s worse things such as being eaten by a shark, being in a really bad accident, or if a volcano erupted right near where you live).
3. You don’t need people to like you all the time
It’s great being liked by others, but there are going to be times when you are not liked by others. A healthy and more helpful way to think is that you don’t always have to be liked. The facts are that you CAN stand it when someone doesn’t like you or is being mean.
4. You can choose the way to think
YOU have the power to choose the way to think when bad stuff happens or when things don’t go your way. You just have to flip your thinking. Give it a try the next time things don’t go your way.
Now, it takes a bit of time for children to take on board these ideas such as not taking things personally, not blowing the badness of events out of proportion and to accept that they can survive when someone is critical of them. These ideas need to be repeated and illustrated. So, be on the look-out for moments where you can help your child to apply these powerful ways of thinking when faced with difficulty or challenges.
And the more often you can demonstrate by thinking aloud your own use of these ideas and the positive effects they have on you, the more quickly your children will learn them.
Icy Pole Friday
Icy Pole Friday is back. At recess time students can purchase an icy pole for $1. Money raised goes towards the Year 6 gift to the school.
Last term, we successfully completed the Jump Rope for Heart Program! Thanks to our fun Crazy Sock Day and a few bake stalls, we raised an impressive $430 for the Heart Foundation. This is a fantastic cause, and we’re so proud of our students for their hard work and dedication. Well done, everyone!
Dates for your calendar:
Dates for Term 4
Week 4
Thursday 7th November - Outdoor Classroom and Open Day
Week 5
Wednesday 13th November - Swimming Program
Friday 15th November - Assembly - Creative Arts performances
Week 6
Tuesday 19th November - Kindergarten 2025 Transition morning 9:30-11am
and welcome BBQ for 2025 Kindergarten students and families (5.30pm)
Wednesday 20th November - Swimming Program
Week 7
Friday 29th November - Assembly - K-2 Choir
Week 8
Tuesday 3rd December - Year 6 Orientation Day - Armidale Secondary College
Friday 6th December - P&C Christmas Party and Fireworks
Week 9
Friday 13th December - Celebration of learning Assembly 10:00am
Week 10
Tuesday 17th December - Whole school pool day
Wednesday 18th December - Year 6 Final Farewell Assembly and the last day of the year.