From the Principal

Its been a busy few weeks to start the Term. It has been very pleasing to see how many of our learning opportunities so far have been based in experiences and real world results. As we focus more about the importance of skills and real world learning, we are valuing the opportunities that are hands on, that expose us to new experiences and make us ask more questions about the world. We also get to share this learning with the community, and there are many more opportunities for this coming up in term 4. Don't forget our Arts Extravaganza happening at the Woodville Town Hall on November 13, as well as our Preschool and Senior Graduations happening later in the term. We love to share our successes and learning with families and these are big events where our students get to show what they have learned. We are looking forward to these events very much.
We were excited to host the launch of Parker's new book "What's in the Muka?" Written in Kaurna language and illustrated by local WGS community member and parent Nola Davey, the story is sure to get more kids reading! Our thanks to Uncle Mickey O'Brien for sharing his stories with our kids and to Shatayaha, an ex WGS student for reading the story for students to hear online. Thanks to all who came and shared in this very special book launch.
Keeping with the theme of eggs, our Children's center has been hosting some baby Chickens this week, learning about life cycles and watching eggs hatch and the baby chicks grow. This has created a lot of excitement, discussion and wondering for our Childcare room.
Its also World Teachers day this Friday - The theme for this year is "Hat's off to teachers!" and we couldn't agree more. We encouraged staff and student to bring a crazy hat to show their support for everything that our teachers do.