NEW A-Z School Information, plus Parent News & Updates

A - Z School Information
Suzanne Cory High School is committed to making information easy to access.
To assist families locate and access a range of important information we have created an A – Z of school information which can be located through the School Documents tab within Compass.
Here families and students can access up to date information on a wide range of topics.
What information can be found here??
Alumni | Forms | School Values |
Assessment | Illness/Sickbay & Medical Conditions | Student Activities |
Attendance | Instrumental Music | Sub-School Structure |
Bell Times | IT Services | Subject Handbooks |
Booklists | Library Services | Timelines |
Careers | Newsletter | Uniform |
Communications to Families | Payments | Wellbeing |
Contacts | Policies | |
Dates | School Program & School Song |
How to access this information:
SCHS Community Facebook Group
Calling all parents! Stay connected and informed by joining our exclusive Suzanne Cory High School Facebook Community Group. This is a fantastic space for parents to connect with one another, share information, and stay up-to-date with school events and news.
The group is moderated by our School Council parent members to ensure it remains a safe and positive place for our community. These members are:
- Kirand Adonda
- Slava Trust
- Samantha Napier
- Tarun Gupta
- Obu Ramaraj
For privacy and safety reasons we remind members to not name or share photos of students on this page.
We remind you, that the school's official channel of communication is Compass.
Parents are reminded to ensure they are reguarly checking Compass for updates, events and news. Parents can also add attendance notes and see what their child has coming up in their weekly schedule.
Please ensure attendance note are added in a timely manner, please remember to include a written explanation when adding attendance.
2025 Intentions
We are currently finalising our course confirmations for 2025, these are expected to be on Compass by mid November.
Places in our school are in high demand and each year we have a waiting list of potential students. Whilst not common, from time to time we do have parents move interstate or overseas, thus creating vacanices within our school.
We therefore kindly ask if you are not intending on returning to Suzanne Cory in 2025, please email
Update to Mobile Phone Policy
We Have updated our mobile phone policy, parents are asked to review recent changes surrounding the mobile phone confiscation process.
Please refer to the School's mobile phone policy for further information on the use of mobile phones within our school.
SickBay Process
Students who are feeling ill should report to sickbay and the first aid staff will call parents to collect the child.
We kindly ask parents to remind your children to go to sick bay if not feeling well.
Seeking Medical Attention for Students
If there is a situation or incident which requires first aid to be administered to your child, school staff will administer first aid that is reasonably necessary and appropriate to their level of training. School staff will also seek emergency medical attention for your child if it is considered reasonably necessary.
Any costs associated with student injury rest with parents/carers unless the Department of Education is liable in negligence (liability is not automatic). In the event that your child needs medical attention, school staff will contact you as soon as practically possible.
We all want to ensure the safety and well-being of our children, and one crucial aspect of this is being prepared for emergencies. Victorian Ambulance cover offers peace of mind and tangible benefits for families.
Ambulance services can be costly. Without cover, a single trip can amount to thousands of dollars. Victorian Ambulance cover ensures that these expenses are taken care of, sparing families from unexpected financial burdens.
Ambulance cover within Private Health Insurance often has limitations and exclusions. Victorian Ambulance membership provides comprehensive protection for various ambulance services, including emergency and non-emergency transport, both within Victoria and, in some cases, interstate.
Current prices for Family and Single memberships (as of June 2024) are provided below.
For more information go to
Consenting to School Events and Excursions
School events, including excursions, incursions and sports appear on Compass. To consent and pay for events please refer to the link on Compass.
Most events require planning and confirmation of numbers for things such as payment to suppliers, catering, staffing and transport. Therefore it is extremely important that parents consent to events by the due date specified in the event.
Students are not to be dropped off at an event if consent has not been provided online. Please call the school if you have missed the deadline to discuss your options.
Students who do not have consent to attend an excursion are required to attend school for their usual classes. Extensions will not be granted for students who have missed the consent deadline!
School Uniform - Do's and Don'ts
At Suzanne Cory, we pride ourselves on the high standards of our students. Students wearing our uniform are a reflection of our school and our values of respect, aspiration and contribution.
Therefore it is imperative that students wear the uniform correctly. Below is a guide to the uniform requirements.
If students do not follow these guidelines, families will be contacted. If students are found to repeatedly wear the school uniform incorrectly, they will be sent home.
Parent Contributions
Thank you to those families who have paid parent contributions. Your support assists us to provide a broad range of experiences which enhance student learning and engagement at Suzanne Cory High School.
Parent contributions can be made on the Compass portal.
The below information outlines how you contributions support our school.
If you would like to spread the cost of your contributions, you can set up a payment plan. Payment Options are listed on the below flyer.
School Events and Excursions
School events, including excursions, incursions and sports appear on Compass. To consent and pay for events please refer to the link on Compass.
Most events require planning and confirmation of numbers for things such as payment to suppliers, catering, staffing and transport. Therefore it is extremely important that parents consent to events by the due date specified in the event.
Students are not to be dropped off at an event if consent has not been provided online. Please call the school if you have missed the deadline to discuss your options.
Students who do not have consent to attend an excursion are required to attend school for their usual classes.
2024 Canteen Menu
Our canteen is open every day and has a range of food options for both recess and lunch.
Their online ordering portal is available to place orders early and avoid the queues.
View the menu here:
Family Engagement with School Policies
Families are invited to provide feedback on school policies relating to child safety and wellbeing as listed below using this google form.
- Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Child Safety Code of Conduct
- Complaints Policy
- Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures
- Volunteers Policy
- Visitors Policy
- Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
- Bullying Prevention Policy
- Digital Learning Policy
These policies can be found using this link, and are also available to parents and student on Compass, under the 'favourites' tab.