Student of the Week    

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts - Najeeb 6B Najeeb has shown great focus and pride in art.  He has shown a high level of interest in our textiles unit and has done some fantastic needlework. He exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner”. Congratulations Najeeb!

LLI (Year 1) - Yizi 1B This student has been recognised for making a great start to the L.L.I. program. Yizi, you should feel very proud of the level of effort and focus that you are applying to the learning tasks. Keep up the great work.  


6A - Leah for being an exemplary student always  focusing on her learning. Keep striving to achieve your best!

6B - Jacob for improving your persuasive writing skills. Fantastic effort and perseverance. Keep it up!

6C - JJ for his persistence and effort during mathematics sessions. Well done JJ!


5B - Johnathan- for being an outstanding classmate, showing great collaboration and respect in his interaction with others. His can-do attitude and effort also helped foster a positive learning environment. Well done, Johnathan!


4A - Erimyas for showing integrity, resilience and collaboration during our Year 4 Cohort Map-Reading Treasure Hunt Challenge. He was quick to make decisions that would enable all to have a positive and successful experience. Keep it up, Erimyas!

4C - Abbie for being an outstanding classmate, showing great collaboration and respect in her interaction with others. Her can-do attitude and effort also helped foster a positive learning environment. Well done, Abbie!


3A - Finlea for always persevering through her learning. Finlea began drafting an excellent recount on a memorable event of choice—Christmas Day. She displayed great pride in her work, ensuring she included a detailed orientation. Terrific job, Finlea!

3B - Nahwah for showing enthusiasm and resilience when completing her recount! You are showing the expected behaviour of ‘Be a Learner’. Amazing job, Nahwah!

3C - Aamir for demonstrating our school values of Pride and Respect. Aamir listens attentively at all times and completes work to a high standard. Well done, Aamir!


2A - Ethen for being so creative while writing your persuasive about saving water. You chose so many powerful WOW words to make your writing more interesting. I love listening to your writing and hearing your voice come out! 

2B - Peyland- Peyland is a kind and respectful class member in our class who is showing great focus in her learning.

2C - Ava for consistently putting in her best effort  into all work, and always being open to being challenged, especially in Mathematics. Well done, Ava!


1A - Fibi for showing pride in her learning by staying on task and always trying her best in all curriculum areas. Keep up the great work Fibi!

1B -  Tumaramea has been an excellent role model for her peers this year. She is respectful, helpful and always follows instructions with a positive attitude. Tumaramea displays our school values daily and is always striving to be a learner. Well done Tumaramea! Keep up the great work. 


FA - Nadia for her quiet dedication to completing all learning tasks to the best of her ability. Well done! 


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: 

1B -  Tumaramea has been an excellent role model for her peers this year. She is respectful, helpful and always follows instructions with a positive attitude. Tumaramea displays our school values daily and is always striving to be a learner. Well done Tumaramea! Keep up the great work. 


Upper primary: 

5B - Johnathan for being an outstanding classmate, showing great collaboration and respect in his interaction with others. His can-do attitude and effort also helped foster a positive learning environment. Well done, Johnathan!