Parents & Friends

Upcoming events and more from the P&F

P&F Update

Volunteers Needed

Holy Spirit and the P&F committee need your help in term 3!

As you know, a lot of work goes into all the events held at/for the school. We couldn't do it without the generous help and support of the community around us.

We have the following events coming up, and we will need some extra hands 

Please use the links below if you can help!

Further details on the events will be available in the coming weeks!

* Friday, 30th August - Father's Day Stall:

* Tuesday, 10th & Wednesday 11th September - Production (program selling):

* Friday, 20th September - Cheese Toastie Day:


P&F Meetings on pause until September

Due to committee meetings for the school production and Fete, the P&F meetings will be paused for July and August.


Our next P&F Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday 17 September at 7.30pm in the P&F room (across from the church). All welcome! 

Saved the Date – Dads’ Night and Father’s Day Stall

Our Term 3 Dads’ Night will be held on Thursday 29 August from 7.30pm at The Ten Saints in Croydon (Trybooking link will be available soon). The event will be free.


The Father’s Day Stall will be held on Friday 30 August with tickets on sale soon.


Trivia Night!

What an amazing effort by all involved. We raised a whopping $6,054.00!!

Diary dates

  • Friday 16 August – Lob-a-choc donation day for the Fete
  • Thursday 29 August – Dads’ Night at the Ten Saints in Croydon
  • Friday 30 August – Fathers’ Day Stall
  • Friday 20 September – Footy/Sports Colours Day and Food Day