Cyber Safety at COHR 

Cyber Safety


CyberSafety @  COHR

Our  students will once again be participating in Cyber Safety webinars each term with Marty from Inform & Empower.  Over the next two weeks, all Year 1 to 6 students will  join in live to listen, discuss and reflect on different topics to help them all continue to become positive digital citizens. As well as these webinars, students will also have lessons in their classes throughout the year and in Week 2 & 3, The Loft will have a Cyber safety focus. Preps will have lessons and resources shared with them as well.

Below is the focus for each level's session as well as 'tip sheets' for you to continue the conversation at home.


P-2 focus:    Digital Footprint 

Usernames & Passwords, Personal Information

Not everyone online is who they say they are


3/4 focus: Cyberbullying

Navigating uncomfortable situations, Being an upstander, Help seeking strategies


5/6 focus:  Cyberbullying

Navigating uncomfortable situations, Being an upstander, Consent


Whilst the live sessions happen in the classroom, it is essential that parents are continuing the conversations at home.

Inform & Empower have designed a simple "tip sheet" for parents/carers that gives an overview of the session and some conversation starters.

Parent Tip Sheets...

Thank You

Karen Wakeling