Principal Team Message

Term 2 - Edition no: 10, 2024 End of Term Edition


Excitement is in the air as we gear up for the much-awaited Zones Festival at RPS! This term has been an enriching journey as our students and staff delved into the intricacies of emotional regulation through the Zones of Regulation Curriculum.


For those who may not be familiar, the Zones of Regulation Curriculum is a framework designed to help individuals recognize, understand, and manage their emotions and impulses. By categorising emotions into four colour-coded zones – blue, green, yellow, and red – the curriculum provides a structured approach to emotional self-awareness and self-regulation. Through various activities and discussions, our dedicated teachers have been guiding our students on this journey of emotional exploration and empowerment.


As we near the end of the term, it's time to celebrate the hard work and growth of our students. And what better way to do so than with a festive extravaganza on Friday? 


We'll be hosting a party to honour the progress made by our students in mastering their emotional landscapes. 


Students are encouraged to dress in their favourite outfits matched to a zone colour or as a character representing an emotion from any movie, such as those in "Inside Out."


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Lee Brennan for generously offering to provide a sausage sizzle, adding a delicious touch to our festivities. The celebration will kick off with a dance party on the oval during recess, where students can groove to their favourite tunes and revel in the joy of togetherness.


Following the dance party, we'll gather for a special screening of the beloved film "Inside Out." This heartwarming movie beautifully illustrates the complexities of emotions and the importance of understanding and embracing them. It's sure to be a touching and insightful experience for all.


Looking ahead to next term, we are excited to announce that we will be delving deeper into personalised strategies for emotional regulation. Each student will have their own Zones Profile, tailored to their unique emotional needs and strengths. Our dedicated staff will work closely with students to identify effective strategies for navigating their emotional landscapes, empowering them to thrive both in and out of the classroom.


As educators and caregivers, we couldn't be prouder of the progress our students have made in developing their emotional intelligence. Through their dedication and perseverance, they have shown a deep understanding of how emotions can be managed and channelled constructively.


So let's come together, celebrate, and rejoice in the growth and resilience of our Rippers!


As we approach the end of the financial year, we would like to remind you of our two tax-deductible funds that have greatly benefited our school thanks to your generosity.


Library Fund:

This fund has allowed us to transform our library into a welcoming and comfortable space, filled with an endless supply of books and the cosiest furniture and soft furnishings. Our upgraded library now hosts lunchtime clubs and weekly library sessions, fostering a love of reading and providing a precious space for peer bonding. While other schools may be dismantling their libraries, we are committed to preserving and enhancing ours.


Building Fund:

Contributions to this fund have enabled us to make significant improvements to our school facilities. Last year, we painted and refurbished the entire LOTE and OSHC building with vibrant colours. This year, we aim to upgrade our classrooms with new carpets, and additional air conditioners, and provide new furniture for our Year 3-6 students.


If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, please visit QKR and contribute today. We will issue tax receipts in the first week of Term 3.


Thank you to all the families who have already supported these valuable funds. Let's Provide the Best Environment and Resources for our Rippers!


We are excited to announce the upcoming Ripponlea School Production in 2025, a highly anticipated event that will celebrate the talent and dedication of our students. This event not only showcases their skills but also embodies our school's spirit of creativity and community pride.


Our future Year 5/6 students will eagerly audition for roles in hopefully a new and original script. Producing major productions at the primary school level is a distinctive endeavour that relies heavily on our community's unwavering support. Over the past decade, each of our productions has set a high standard with original scripts and memorable songs, providing invaluable experiences for our students.


To ensure the success of next year's production, we will seek committed volunteers to join Mr G, our teachers, and students in key roles. Your involvement will be instrumental in creating an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.


Volunteer Roles Available:



  • Crafting an original script for the production
  • Collaborating closely with the director and producer
  • Developing engaging dialogue and storyline
  • Deciding on memorable songs and musical arrangements


  • Auditioning and casting roles
  • Staging and blocking scenes
  • Overseeing rehearsals in Term 2 & Term 3 (over 60 hours)
  • Collaborating with the scriptwriter and producer
  • Directing evening and matinee performances
  • Working closely with Caulfield Grammar theatre staff on technical aspects
  • Prior experience in directing or theatre production is highly advisable

Props/Costumes/Stage Design:

  • Designing costumes
  • Creating props
  • Arranging stage setups
  • Designing backdrops
  • Managing digital and musical elements
  • No previous experience is required, just enthusiasm and creativity


If you are interested in volunteering for any of these roles or would like more information, please contact Mrs Rose at your earliest convenience. Your creativity, dedication, and support are crucial in making this production truly spectacular!


Let's work together to ensure Ripponlea School Production 2025 is a resounding success!

REcyCling for REfuGeeS

Under blue skies at morning recess, we tipped over a tub and started counting. Three children joined at first – Grace, Alby and Charlotte – and I asked how we should do this, and they decided to sort into materials first. Aluminium cans. Plastic bottles. Glass bottles. 


The children chose to count together, one-at-a-time, singing out the numbers as we went, doing the cans first, getting all the way to 93.

“We were so close to one hundred,” said Alby. “Only seven more.”

“Can you please make it one hundred?”


No, I cannot, I say, and I ask if ten cans are equal to one dollar, how many cans might one-hundred earn our refugee family? They find their way to the answer. 


Then they count out 26 plastic bottles, and we stack 15 glass bottles in a crate, and there’s a single Up’n’Go Tetra box, and we write down the numbers and do the maths out aloud. Three plus six, plus five, plus one, equals? Carry the one. One plus nine, plus two, plus one, and we have our total: 135.


I ask the children what this is worth if each has a value of ten cents, and Alby gets there first: “Thirteen dollars, fifty!”


Others join for the second box, attracted to the spectacle, wanting to be part of it – Leo and Stella and Rafael – and we tip out the contents, and sort the items, all working together, talking about what we find, the different packaging, colours and brands, guessing at who might be drinking what, having fun as we go.

“I feel like I’m doing community service,” says Leo, and I assure him, he is. 


He is recycling, and he is helping me to help others who might need it the most.

With the cans, each child takes a handful, and makes the addition as we go, and Leo starts counting in threes, and others follow, counting out a three-times-table, and it’s Alby who keeps the tally, and I’m impressed at how they go, and they go all the way to 116. Then they do the plastic in twos, and get to 32. Glass stacked one-at-a-time, neatly, and we get to thirteen. 


The end-of-recess bell chimes and the children run to ask their teachers if they can return to do the final tally. They come back with gloves on, and big smiles, and we do the final maths equation. I write down the totals of the second box, and challenge the children to do the additions together, out aloud. We get to 161, then add this number to the first box, and get to 296.


How much does this mean we’ve raised for the Afghan refugee family? Leo gets there first – “twenty-nine dollars and sixty cents!” – but it is not a race. It is the doing that matters, the trying, the helping, and the being part of a group. 

And I tell them I’ll be at the school this week, and each Wednesday next term, and we’ll get there, to our magic total of $500 – ten cents at a time!


Thanks to all Ripponlea PS families who are helping me to help welcome and support this family soon to arrive in Melbourne. If you would like to hear me interviewed on ABC Radio about this project – and about fatherhood, and childhood, and the work I do in schools, working alongside children, including a job at Ripponlea – a long conversation for the holidays can be heard here: The power of the extra dad - ABC listen


Otherwise, enjoy the break!




As we reach the midpoint of the 2024 school year, anticipation for the upcoming holiday break is palpable. The past term has been demanding, yet it's also been a time of celebration and gratitude within our school community.


We are fortunate to have a dedicated and passionate workforce comprising teachers and education support staff who bring stability and commitment. Many of our staff members are now embracing parenthood, enriching our school environment with fresh perspectives. Their dedication continues to inspire our students, fostering a nurturing educational atmosphere.


Our students have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability. While most are thriving, we remain attentive to those with complex needs and ongoing mental health concerns. Despite our status as a smaller school with limited funding, we are proud to provide comprehensive support to all students.


New families joining our community are often impressed by our range of intervention programs and unique educational experiences. Our learning, specialist, and wellbeing programs, supported by dedicated staff and allied health services, rival those typically found in private schools at a significant cost. We hope this illustrates the value of our school and state education to more families.


We take immense pride in our students' dedication to learning, goal-setting, and achievement, as evident in their recent presentations to families. Their growth underscores the unity and strength of our school community, transcending any standardised measure in NAPLAN testing.


The leadership of our Year 5/6 cohort has been outstanding this semester. They have taken on responsibilities across fundraising, assemblies, sports events, tours, and our beloved buddy program. Their maturity and initiative have enriched the school experience for all students.


We extend heartfelt thanks to our community for their steadfast support, especially amidst ongoing financial challenges. Families have embraced new initiatives and made financial contributions without complaint. While we cannot satisfy everyone, we remain committed to fostering a safe and inclusive environment, resolutely opposing bullying, racism, and disrespect. 


Looking ahead, we are committed to providing exceptional educational experiences and unwavering support for our students. Our dedication to inclusivity and support will continue to shape our efforts.


Thank you once again to our entire community for your dedication and support. We wish you a restful holiday break with your loved ones and look forward to returning refreshed for the second half of the year.



Until next term!


Natalie Rose             &                        Marta Campbell 

      Principal                                         Assistant Principal