
Italian Newsletter   Yrs.2, 3 & 4



We have worked hard this term learning our numbers, telling the time, date and colours in Italian. We have used the new words and phrases to complete maths tasks and talk about ourselves and our day in Italian.  

Here are some fun conversation starters you can practise at home.

  • Mi chiamo _____________ (My name is _____)
  • Io ho ________ anni (I have _____ years)
  • Abito a _______________ (I live in _______)
  • Mi piace ___________________ (I like _____)
  • Non mi piace _________________ (I don’t like ____)
  • Io sono _______________________ (I am ___)
  • Io ho __________________________ (I have _____)
  • Mi alzo alle _______________ (I get up at _______)
  • Mangio cena alle ___________ (I eat dinner at _______)
  • (Say the time in Italian) Sono le __________  or  È l'una.
  • Il mio colore preferito è _____________ (My favourite colour is ______)