Principal's Report

Welcome back for Term 3
A warm welcome back to Term 3 to all students, parents/carers and staff. This week looks like a cool and wet one, so I would encourage all families to get back into the right routines - our emphasis on getting to school on time from the end of Term 3 will continue into the start of this term as well.
As always, keep up to date between newsletters with the official CHS Insta and Facebook pages.
Performing Arts News - Production
A huge congratulations to everyone involved in 'The Jungle Book' - the 2024 Coburg High School Production! Well done to Jenna, Madi and the Performing Arts team for all of their tireless hours spent working with our talented students in this all acting and dancing extravaganza.
End of semester Music Nights
June also had a series of classroom music and Instrumental Music concerts in The Space. The performances at each of these events was once again of a very high quality. A big thanks to our exceptional IM staff led by Luke McIvor and our Music teachers Anna B and Scott Dixon for all of their work with our young musicians. Please enjoy some pics from some of the concerts below.
A cool morning greeted all of our students completing a Unit 3/4 sequence for the General Achievement Test on Tuesday 18 June. The conduct of our students was exemplary across the two sessions held in the Gym.
Year 10 & 11 Exams / Work Experience / Big Week Forward
Our Year 10s and 11s also completed their exams during June, and again reports were that students acquitted themselves throughout this period. I enjoyed reading reports from teachers who caught up with students and their employers during Work Experience Week, which ran in the second last week of term, with our students being almost uniformly congratulated for their punctuality and professionalism. The Big Week Forward finished the term with exam feedback, excursions to La Trobe University and Melbourne Polytechnic, subject info sessions and course counselling for 2025.
Safety improvements for Bell Street
I have been at Coburg High School for just over three years and across most of that time we have been fortunate to work with the Safe Access over Bell St Bridge for Everyone (SABBE) group (particularly parents Lanie and Deb) and Merri-bek City Council who have been advocating for a safer Bell Street Bridge for pedestrians, bike riders and public transport users. For even longer than that, the school has also sought a school safety zone for Bell Street, with our recent student survey indicating over one-in-three of our students cross this dangerous arterial road each afternoon.
Over the holidays we were very pleased to have confirmation of a school speed zone for Bell Street, which will be an extension of the existing 40km/h speed zone in central Coburg during school drop off and pick up times. The state government media release is here. Importantly, this will extend to the eastern side of the Bell Street Bridge. We look forward to the static signs coming later this year and flashing ones thereafter.
I'd like to thank our local member, Anthony Cianflone MP for his advocacy on this - read Anthony's Facebook post here.
We'd also like to thank Senator Carol Brown, Melissa Horne MP, Ged Kearney, Peter Khalil, Nathan Lambert MP and Kat Theophanous MP for their important work to bring this about. Student safety is a team effort!
The school's advocacy continues with another busy arterial road, Murray Road, continuing to need improvements. Around one-in-five of our students also cross this dangerous road each school day, with recent Merri-bek City Council traffic analysis showing 40% of drivers speed in one section at speeds of up to 84km/h. If you haven't already, please check out the Safer Walking and Riding for Murray Road (SWARM) Facebook and Insta pages.
Thank you - Building and Library Fund appeals
During June we ran appeals for our Building Fund (aimed at increasing the fresh air which circulates in Building A) and for books for the Library Fund (in conjunction with the Coburg High School Historical Group). A heartfelt thanks to the parents and carers who contributed several thousands of dollars to each appeal - your donation will make a real difference.
New Paths and Improved heating and cooling for Building A & The Space
In preparation for the upcoming start of works for the $17.8m Technology Building we have been busy building some new gravel paths for students to use.
Further works to create a path around the oval side of Building C will take place during Term 3.
We're also pleased to report that the first stage of heating and cooling upgrades occurred over the holidays, with five upstairs classrooms in Building A as well as the Space receiving new reverse cycle heating and cooling. The major benefits of this will be felt in Term 4 when the hot weather returns.
Again, these works would not have been possible without the support of the parent community through voluntary contributions, as air conditioning does not form part of the funding entitlements of government schools.
Student Successes
Congratulations to Holly Dimsey who has secured a role in this year’s State Schools Spectacular core performing company. Well done, Holly!
Congrats also to our U/16 girls relay team. A parent wrote to me:
"On April 19th the girls were representing CHS at a State Level swimming under 16s against schools from all around Victoria. It was amazing to see them encouraging each other. Two of the girls were swimming two age group up but it didn't bother them how much taller their opponents were. Well done to them all"
Coburg High School is a Child Safe school
Child safety and wellbeing at Coburg High School: information for families and the school community
The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting child safety and wellbeing.
Coburg High School has reviewed and updated our child safety policies and procedures to ensure they meet the requirements of the new standards. These are available to view on Compass and via the website.
We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices.
If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact Coburg High School at
Brent Houghton