Literacy Enrichment
At Mater Dei, it is recognised that success in equipping our students for the world outside school requires purposeful and explicit discipline-based instruction and practice.
The staff strives to enrich our students’ literacy every day, using a mix of on-screen and print texts to ensure they are prepared to lead valuable lives into the future. Dr Maryanne Wolf, in her opinion piece for the Religion and Ethics section of the ABC’s website, “Success in Circuit lies”: How do we cultivate deep reading processes in a digital age?, references lines from the 1934 play by T.S. Eliot, ‘The Rock’: “Where is the knowledge in our information? Where is the wisdom in our knowledge?”. These questions are still relevant today.
So, what does a commitment to ensuring our students are able to navigate reading in this digital age look like?
It looks like teachers working on reading strategies across the curriculum, integrating their professional learning into their daily practice; it looks like students being guided to monitor their reading, be active readers who have a bank of strategies to use as they see fit, and value the role of reading in developing knowledge. It looks like our College-wide focus on Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) for reading.
I look forward to sharing our progress with you.
Mrs. Rebecca Sadler | Leader of Learning - Literacy Enrichment