Saints' of the Week

Saint Thomas Moore
Feast Day: 22nd June
Virtue: Honesty
Thomas Moore went to school in London. He served as a page for the Archbishop of
Canterbury. Later he studied law.
Thomas married. After the death of his wife, he remarried for the sake of his four children. The family lived happily and shared their money with the poor.
King Henry VIII made him Chancellor of England, a position second only to that of the king himself. Thomas saw that the poor were protected against injustice.
Once while Thomas was at Mass, which he attended every morning, King Henry sent for him. He did not leave until the mass was finished, but sent a message: “As soon as my audience with the King of Heaven is ended, I will at once obey the desire of my earthly king.”
King Henry wanted a law passed making himself head of the Church of England, because the Pope would not grant him a divorce from the Queen. Thomas resigned and was arrested. He suffered much in prison for his Faith. He prayed for the king before he was beheaded in 1535.
Saint Peter
Feast Day: 29 June
Virtue: Leadership
Simon was a fisherman. His brother Andrew said to him: “I have met Jesus. Come and see
Him.” Simon saw and became a follower of Jesus, Who changed his name to Peter, which means “rock.”
Jesus picked eleven other Apostles and said: “Follow me, and I will make you fishes of people.” He meant that he would send them to do his work of bringing people to God.
One day, Jesus said to them: “Who do you think I am?” Peter answered: “You are Christ, the Son of God.” Our Lord was pleased and said: “You are Peter, a rock and I will build My Church upon you. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven.” This is the power to help people get to heaven.
After His Resurrection, Jesus said to Peter: “Feed My Lambs, feed my Sheep.” In this way, our Lord made it clear that Peter was to be the first Pope.
Peter was crucified, head downward in Rome, because he considered himself unworthy to die as Jesus had done.