Mini Vinnies
Mini Vinnies Focus for 2024
This year our Mini Vinnies program is focusing on the theme of ‘kindness’. Kindness is something we should all be showing to each other every day and can be done in the smallest way. Some random acts of kindness that people can show are:
The students identified people within our community that would benefit from some kindness shown to them. One of these groups was the elderly.
Mini Vinnies Visit the Elderly
On Monday 17th June a group of Year 4 Mini Vinnies students visited the Scotchmans Creek Aged Care facility to play board games with the elderly residents. This visit was requested by our Mini Vinnies committee, in order to support our elderly people to not feel so alone and disconnected from their community. 3 of the students who went to the nursing home were asked to reflect on their visit. Here are their thoughts:
“When I arrived at the nursing home I saw on the table there was Rummikub, so I taught them how to play. It was pretty hard for them and I don’t think they got it. I was playing with two nice ladies called Mary and Roma. I taught them that you have to put down 3 or more tiles that add up to 30 on your first go or you have to pick up. It was a really fun experience and I would love to do it again.”
- Patrick Bellistri, Year 4
“I went to the nursing home and I visited the elderly. Ella, Suzy and myself met two ladies named Heather and Kath. We taught them a game called dominoes. First we put the double six in the middle, after that we got like five domino pieces. Then if someone had a six they put it with the six on the table. Then you keep going until no one has any more pieces. We also built little houses. After that it was time to leave so we said goodbye.”
- Jamie Theodoropoulos, Year 4
“I visited the nursing home on the 17th of June 2024. I met a nice, kind lady named Erol and a nice man named Cliff. He had a hole in his ear. Erol and Cliff taught Spencer, Thalia and I how to play Chinese Checkers. It was a really fun game and I really enjoyed it. Cliff was awesome at Chinese Checkers and showed Thalia a really good move.
It was a really good experience and I hope to do it again. I think Erol and Cliff had a good time too.”
- Samantha Lewis, Year 4
It was wonderful seeing the year 4 Mini Vinnies students engaging with the elderly residents and enjoying a laugh over a friendly board game. The residents appeared to enjoy the student’s company and asked when they would be returning (one even asked if the students could come back the next day to visit).
Visits like this are just as important as raising funds for St. Vincent de Paul and it’s important that the students understand that you can make a difference in your community without collecting money. The Mini Vinnies students are returning to the nursing home next week on Monday for more board game fun.
Friday August 9th 2024 (Term 3) 4.30 - 6pm is our major action for this year. It is our SCIENCE EXTRAVAGANZA! There will be food, drinks, science experiments and technology to try your hand at. It is an event for all the family and community and one to definitely not miss.
See you at our Science EXTRAVAGANZA!!!