

Items in the VIC Career News include - 

  • Dates to Diarise in Term 3
  • News from the Monash Business School
    • Business Explorer 2024 Day
    • Discover Business Webinar
  • A Day in the Life of a Swinburne TAFE Student
  • Career as Prosthetists/Orthotist
  • Bachelor of Dermal Sciences at Victoria University
  • LCI Melbourne - Ahead of the Seam: Design, Illustrate, Create Workshop
  • Electrical Engineering Degrees in Victoria in 2024  
  • Mechanical Engineering Degrees in Victoria in 2024  
  • Snapshot of Charles Sturt University (CSU) in 2024 

For students interested in other states, please Career News attached for QLD and NSW and the links below for SA, ACT, TAS, WA and NT:



South Australia

Australian Capital Territory


 Western Australia

Northern Territory