
 - Miss Kristen Waldron

Service Learning 


We are incredibly fortunate at our College to have so many community-minded students. Service Learning is a core value for us. Our Year 10 students have been proactive in organising various fundraising activities for their Central Australia trip. Meanwhile, the SRC is busy preparing for "College Has Got Talent," with proceeds going to a charity chosen by the winner. Additionally, several students are coaching and umpiring in local sports leagues and serving as ambassadors for Live for Life.


Our Learmonth students are collaborating with clients at Mulleraterong, Laidlaw students have completed a letter drop for the WDHS, Young House students are working with the Uniting Church to support food distribution, and Berry House continues their efforts to provide basic sanitary items for women in need. These are just a few examples of how our students are making significant contributions to their community.

Push-Up Challenge

The Push-Up Challenge : Home (thepushupchallenge.com.au)


I would also like to bring your attention to a fundraising activity organised by Year 12 student, Alice Lanyon. Alice is promoting the Push-Up Challenge from 5-28 June 2024 and would love you to join her. 


The challenge is to complete 3,249 push-ups (or 1,625 if you chose the half target) in 24 days to raise awareness and funds for mental health, as well as improving fitness! You can do alternative exercises like squats and sit ups. Its free to take part and there’s an app where you get daily targets and mental health facts, track your progress and can check out our Team stats.


Well done, Alice!