R.E. & Social Justice News

By Fulvia Gerosolimo



By Fulvia Gerosolimo


To all our families,


The past two weeks have been a vibrant and meaningful time for our school community. Our children attended the Mass of our patron saint, St. Kevin and last week we came together again for the Feast of the Sacred Heart. But why do we celebrate this holy feast? The Feast of the Sacred Heart is a reminder of the boundless love and compassion that Christ has for all of humanity. It's an invitation to reflect on how we can emulate this love in our daily lives, fostering empathy and kindness towards others.


In the spirit of compassion, we are currently collecting non-perishable foods for St. Vincent de Paul. Every day, I glance at the collection box in my classroom and feel a deep sense of warmth and pride. Knowing that someone in need will receive this food and feel noticed and cared for is truly heartwarming, especially during these cold days and nights.


Empathy and compassion are powerful virtues that cost nothing yet have a significant impact. By modeling these behaviors, we can teach our children the importance of giving and caring for the vulnerable in our community. This term break is a perfect opportunity to engage your child in acts of kindness. Consider visiting an Op Shop together, supporting a charity, or finding other ways to help those in need.


As adults, it is our responsibility to set the footprint for our children. By demonstrating empathy and compassion, we show them how to be thoughtful and considerate individuals.


I wish everyone a restful and well-deserved break and look forward to working alongside you next term.


Every blessing,


Fulvia Gerosolimo


St Kevin’s Feast Day Mass

Two weeks ago, our school community gathered to celebrate the feast of our patron saint, St. Kevin. The Mass was a beautiful and uplifting experience, with 22 of our school children actively participating in various roles. Their involvement added a special touch to the service, making it a memorable occasion for everyone.


The celebration continued during lunchtime where all the children enjoyed a refreshing treat - a Zooper  Dooper! It was a delightful way to end a wonderful day dedicated to St. Kevin.


Thank you to everyone who participated and made this feast day truly special!







Feast of the Sacred Heart

Last week, our school community attended Mass to celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart. Father Isaac led us in prayer, encouraging us to reflect on those less fortunate than ourselves and consider how we can give back.


In this spirit of giving, we are still accepting donations of cans of food and long-life milk. Your generosity makes a significant difference, so please feel free to continue contributing to this worthy cause.


Thank you for your ongoing support and kindness!



Prep/One Level Mass

This Wednesday 19th June, we invite all families to join the Prep and Year One children at their level Mass. The children have been busy preparing for this special service, with 'love' as their theme. They have also learned new songs with actions, which they are excited to share.


We look forward to seeing many families there to support our little ones. The Mass will be held at 10am. Your presence will make this occasion even more special for the children.








  • Wednesday 19th June @10am - Prep & Grade One - Level Mass - ALL WELCOME
  • Friday 26th July @9.30am - Grandparent/Special Person Day Mass followed by morning tea with your children - ALL WELCOME
  • Thursday 15th August @9.15am  - Feast of the Assumption - Mass - ALL WELCOME