
Visual Arts
Amanda West
Students will begin the term by creating a ‘colour wheel umbrella’ artwork, using a crayon resist technique. This process involves using crayons to draw on paper, followed by applying watercolour paint that resists the crayon. Primary, secondary, warm and cool colour schemes will be explored while creating their compositions. Students will engage in a textiles project inspired by Margaret Wild’s book Pocket Dogs. Skills such as running stitch, whip stitch, needle threading and glueing various fabrics will be developed, while sewing a pocket and constructing a small felt dog to live inside it. Later in the term students will explore reduction printmaking, learning the sequential drawing and printing process to make multi-coloured prints from a single piece of printing foam.
Michelle Rees
In Term 3, students will continue to develop their understanding of Auslan, and how we can use our bodies and facial expressions to communicate. We will grow our Auslan vocabulary by learning signs for zoo animals, colours, and even AFL teams! The big focus of this term will be on storytelling. Students will be introduced to the use of depicted signs, constructed action and role shift as they learn how to sign a story in Auslan. Students will engage with familiar texts and spend time experimenting with ways they can retell the events of the story using these discourse strategies. Opportunities will be provided to view a variety of videos and stories, created by people within the deaf community, to help us build our understanding of deaf culture. The topics covered across the school will remain similar, however the level and depth of each topic will differ between year levels.
Performing Arts
Peter Humphries
In Term 3, students will explore musicals and how different pieces of music have a structure such as verse and chorus. They will also focus on changes in dynamics (loud and soft) and tempo (fast and slow). To explore these concepts students will learn dances, sing songs and play simple classroom instruments. In drama students will look at visual humour and mime to explore emotions and will create their own improvisations to explore feelings and simple stories.
Physical Education
Chris Steele
In Term 3, students will focus on refining and consolidating running, dodging and sequenced movement skills with correct action, accuracy and a variety of speeds. Through fitness activity and games, they will engage in moderate to vigorous activities. Students will also explain the contribution rules and procedures make to the safe conduct of games and activities and will apply these in games. Students will also concentrate on skills specific to teeball, cricket and basketball.