Level 3 & 4 Wonga Weekly

Week 8, Term 1


🌈 It's the second Naplan Week for Grade Threes! 

Help to set your child up for success by - 

  • Assist your child in remembering to bring their iPad to school, fully charged and a set of headphones. If your iPad does not have an input for headphones, please ensure they bring a pair of wireless headphones.
  • Help your child to maintain a normal routine and acknowledging any worries.
  • Go to bed early the night before Naplan tests, have a good breakfast, bring a water bottle and a healthy lunch.
  • If you would like to, you could have a look at the practice website to help your child familiarise themselves with the digital format - https://pages.assessform.edu.au/pages/year-3-demos


Our annual session with the Cyber Safety session will be held this week, this is a great opportunity for you to chat with your child about staying safe online.




This week we are reading a range of non-fiction texts to build knowledge and vocabulary. We will be exploring our Prior Knowledge and Connections to prepare for reading and develop our understanding.


What you can do at home:

Encourage your child to discuss their understanding of a topic before reading a text. Please don't forget that your child has access to Reading Eggs Library, which has a range of fiction and non-fiction texts that they might find interesting.



Students have been enjoying opportunities to create their own narratives. We are working towards creating a narrative to be shared as a Learning Snapshot on Showbie.


What you can do at home:

Discuss the stories that your child is writing here at school and encourage them to add descriptive language to their ideas, building on current skills.



We have been comparing long and short vowel sounds and this week are looking at the long and short i vowel sounds. Syllabification is a helpful tool that we use regularly.


What you can do at home:

Attempt to spell some words with short and long i sounds in them

Short i - Build a pretty igloo near the gy

Long i - I spy a bright lime pie



This week we are continuing to build our understanding of place value. Look out for a Learning Snapshot about place value on Showbie later in the week.


What you can do at home:

Discuss your child's Learning Snapshot - ask them to tell you what they are proud of and celebrate their success.


Classroom Learning and Expectations

Our strong focus over the next couple of weeks is classroom behaviour and expectations, with the intention to create a happy and productive learning environment. 


What you can do at home: encourage discussions about respectful behaviours and what they look like both at home and at school.



Homework is optional, however we strongly encourage students to read for 20 minutes daily and use Mathletics as a resource to strengthen their Maths skills. We check reading logs on Fridays.



Please find below an overview of our specialist classes in 3/4.



  • Wednesday 13th March - Monday 25th March: Grade 3 NAPLAN testing window
  • Wednesday 27th March - Colour Run 
  • Easter Raffle and final assembly Thursday 28th of March
  • Grade 3 Camp information Session - Tuesday 23rd of April at 3:45pm in the 3/4 gallery space.

Term 2

  • Special Person Day and Cookbook Launch - Friday 19th of April 2:30-3:30pm
  • Whole School Cross Country - Monday 22nd of April.
  • Tuesday 30th April -Wednesday 1st May: Grade Three Camp - approximate cost is $250


There are many reports of Covid being active in our community. Please be aware of symptoms if your child is unwell.


Thanks to the many families that have already brought in tissues and wipes. If you have not been able to already, we would greatly appreciate your contribution. 


Please ensure your child brings these items to school every day;

  • Fully charged iPads
  • Please log on to Sentral on a laptop or desktop computer to complete permission for Mosyle Device Management (MDM) to enable your child has access to wifi at school. This will not work through the app on your phone or tablet.
  • Headphones
  • Hats