I am excited to announce the winners of this year's Term 1/2 Art Competition! The theme for this competition was "Memory” and, as always, we received lots of outstanding submissions in a wide range of art forms. I would like to congratulate all students who submitted artworks and encourage you to continue to do so!
The winners of this competition are as follows:
Senior School Winners:
Ava Zhang (Year 12)
Mina Jia (Year 10)
Junior School Winner:
- Carrie Leung (Year 9)
Congratulations to Ava, Mina, and Carrie!
I’d also like to introduce our new Art Competition, which will be linked to the Glen Eira Youth Art Competition. The theme for this competition is Dreams. Students are encouraged to create artwork inspired by this theme and submit their work to the school AND to the Glen Eira Competition to double their chances of winning!
Look out for posters around the school, or visit the Glen Eira Youth Art Exhibition website for more information. Submission details will be announced on Compass shortly, so keep an eye out!
Glen Eira Competition Prizes:
- Ages 10–13: prize to the value of $150
- Ages 14–17: prize to the value of $250
- Ages 18–25: prize to the value of $300 and solo exhibition at the Glen Eira Gallery in 2025
- People’s Choice Award: prize to the value of $150
Good luck, and happy end of Term!
Peter Eglezos
Learning Area Manager – Visual Arts