Last Thursday, my prep buddy and I made Easter Bonnets. We loved spending time together. We also made an Easter Bonnet with lots of decorations. My prep buddy, Shoaib gave me lots of high fives. Muhammad SA
Last week I met my prep buddy Ammar, we made Easter bonnets for the Easter Parade this Thursday. Lilyarna SE
Last Thursday we made Easter Bonnets with the preps. We made lots with our prep partners it was fun and easy. This Thursday we are going to wear them at the Easter Parade. Patrick SA
Last Thursday I met my prep buddie Santiago. We had so much fun making Easter bonnets. It was a wonderful time I’m looking forward to seeing him more. Anna SB
Hi, my name is Zoraver, last week the grade five and sixers got paired with the preps and grade ones. I got paired with a wonderful little prep named Asra. We made Easter bonnets (Easter hats) and it was a lot of fun making them. On Thursday the whole school is getting together for an Easter parade. Zoraver SB