What an exciting Term 1! We have had many events such as Cross Country and Fun Run. It was great seeing all students and their smiling faces and the enjoyment of staff and parents throwing colour everywhere. It was a wonderful fundraising event and we raised over $11000. I have to say a highlight was seeing the staff being slimed. Thank you to Mrs Overdyk for all her hard work to make this such a successful event.
Harmony Day was a great day with the students completing classroom tasks about the theme “Everyone Belongs.” It was terrific to see everyone in either orange or cultural dress. Thank you to the students who performed their cultural dances and songs. They were amazing.
On Friday 22nd March Cassandra Fernando the Federal MP for Holt visited the school. Cassandra brought with her 3 new flags. Thank you to the school leaders who displayed wonderful leadership skills and their skills at running an assembly were fantastic. A special thank you to Kylie Spalding and Lilly who made a video to send to our MPs asking for the replacement flags. Cassandra informed me that she was so impressed with the leaders and how impressive our school is and that she would love to come back and visit again in the future.
It was terrific to see so many parents and carers taking the opportunity to attend the parent/teacher interviews. It was an opportunity to discuss the progress of students and to set some future goals for learning. Thank you to all those who attended.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the school community for making my term as the Acting Principal so wonderful. I have thoroughly enjoyed the term and I look forward to welcoming Mrs Shariat back next term.
Term 2 is already shaping up as an exciting term with many awesome events and programs planned. I wish everyone a wonderful holiday and I will see you in Term 2.