Mambourin Campus

Welcome Back to Term 2

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday break and a very happy Easter. We have a busy term ahead and I can’t wait to see what the term brings! School commences for all students on Tuesday 16 April 2024. If you are a new family and student to our Mambourin campus and unsure where to go, please meet at the Mambourin Campus Front Office. Otherwise, all students can go directly to their classrooms. 


We welcome back Mrs Roxanne Adams to our campus (she will be working on a Wednesday in 1F) and to our new families that have joined the Good News Lutheran College community. 


Term 2 Learning preparations

In the lead-up to starting the term, our staff have been purposefully planning and looking at ways in which we can focus on creating connections again with students, giving opportunities for them to reconnect with each other and with the space they are learning in. This term we will have lots of wonderful moments to look forward to including: 

  • Prep excursion to the Museum of Play and Art: MoPA 
  • Year 2 Sciencework excursion 
  • Mother’s Day breakfast 
  • IB PYP Workshop for parents 
  • Year 1 & 2 Swimming at AquaPluse 

Communication and Volunteering

We encourage you to stay informed and involved in your child's education by regularly checking Schoobox and volunteering in the Primary Years at Mambourin with our excursions. If you are interested in volunteering and have yet to complete the requirements of Good News Lutheran College, then please contact the Mambourin Campus front office. 



I also want to remind you of the importance of regular attendance and punctuality. Consistency in attendance and punctuality is essential for academic success, as it allows students to build and maintain positive relationships with their peers and teachers. It also allows them to begin their day in a calm and settled manner. 


Wearing Uniform Correctly

 It is a requirement of enrolment at the College that all students wear the College uniform. This is in keeping with our aim of developing in students a feeling of belonging and a sense of collective pride, in presenting a positive image to the wider community. We, therefore, ask parents to assist the College staff in ensuring the below expectations are keenly observed:



It is a requirement students wear the College hat during recess, lunch and for PE lessons so that they have protection from the sun. Unfortunately, if students are not wearing a hat during these times, they will be asked by a staff member to be seated in a shaded area. From 1 May until 1 September due to the cooler months, students are not required to wear their hats so that they can absorb the vitamin D during the colder months. If you are yet to purchase a College hat, we strongly recommend that you make this a priority.



  • No jewellery may be worn except for:
  • A medic Alert Indicator 
  •  Wristwatch (College or neutral colours) 
  • Small gold or silver cross on a thin gold/silver chain 
  • One small earring in each ear lobe is acceptable or a single set of plain silver or gold studs or sleepers, no more than one in each ear lobe and of the same type and placed at the bottom of the lobe. No other facial piercings are allowed. Inappropriate jewellery will need to be removed before the following day of school. 

The following are NOT part of the College uniform: 

  • Necklaces (exception: a cross worn around the neck on a thin, plain gold or silver necklace) 
  • Rings or visible bracelets (exception: medical bracelets) 
  • Multiple earrings or other piercings (exception: a single set of small diamond earrings, plain silver or gold studs or sleepers as per Jewellery section above). 
  • Any additional piercings that wish to be maintained, must only have clear plugs. 
  • Visible tattoo transfers/tattoos/Henna 
  • Visible ankle or wrist ties and bands 
  • Other visible clothing, not approved as college uniform. 

For specific medical, religious or child safety requests, please contact the Interim Head of Campus Mambourin. 


We look forward to seeing all the fabulous adventures that Term 2 will bring us here at Mambourin. 


Mikaella Nelson

Interim Head of Campus, Mambourin 

Celebrating Easter

It was a busy final week of school and the campus delighted in celebrating Easter with a Scavenger Hunt. This was a whole campus event, with Year 2 students setting the hunt and guiding the younger students through the questions and enabling them to find the hidden eggs. This event was experienced alongside of their learning about the Easter Story, the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus. In addition, it allowed our children to collaborate and work as a team on a common goal. Shared experiences in learning offer learners the opportunity to develop core skills in teamwork and experience success in achieving a common goal.


Lara Ronalds

Mambourin Curriculum Leader - PYP Coordinator

Expression and Communication

During Term 1, we focused on how we communicate through different units of inquiry and as a core foundation of our Mambourin community. We explored at all year levels our identity as a group and as individuals to understand how we can connect and be a part of a community through the yearlong ‘Who we are’ unit. This helped us to build a foundation to understand each other and how we learn and work together. 


In Art, all year levels explored the ways we can communicate feelings and ideas through colour theory (Prep), abstract art (Year 2) and self-portraits and self-identity (Year 1). This learning occurred alongside developing students' literacy skills, both orally and written as the children develop their understanding of the mechanics of language. At different year levels students practiced their oral presentation skills and how to modulate their voices to be heard, develop their oral expression and practice their ability to ask questions. Through their creative writing the children learn their expression whilst having authentic reasons to practice their knowledge of language and how we structure sentences, punctuate and capture an audience. This will continue throughout the year supporting Mambourin students to develop knowledge and share it through communication. Continually developing skills in oral, creative and written expression, grammar, word structure and punctuation, creative expression and listening and speaking support learning for students. Communication requires multiple skills that children practice and develop across the curriculum and throughout the year.


Lara Ronalds

Mambourin Curriculum Leader - PYP Coordinator