Level 2

Level 2
Level 2 has been buzzing with activity these last 2 weeks. The students have been working hard to develop their skills across all subject areas.
Over the past two weeks, students have enthusiastically delved into the world of non-fiction texts, unpacking how each feature contributes to the reader’s understanding of the text. Students have also started to look at information reports and are beginning to write all about their chosen topic (Robots, Transport, Technological Inventions, and Building Structures). Level 2 have loved doing research through non-fiction books and on the internet.
Our Level 2 students have continued exploring Place Value and number patterns. Students have been using physical and virtual materials and number lines to explore 2-, 3- and 4-digit numbers. They are attempting open-ended questions and utilising manipulatives such as MAB to explore place value and order numbers. Level 2 have also been partitioning numbers which supports their ability to regroup and manipulate numbers.
During Inquiry, students have enjoyed building their Triorama’s. They have been using their chosen topic (Robots, Transport, Technological Inventions, and Building Structures) to create their project. Students have started to add in their information and facts that they have researched and have continued to add information as they find new things out. We are so excited to see what they look like at the end of the term!
- Friday 22nd March – Aim High Assembly 9:00am-9:30am.
- Monday 25th March - Easter and Cultural headdress assembly (students to either make an Easter hat or wear a traditional headdress from their culture).
- Thursday 28th March – Early dismissal assembly 2.20-2.30 pm Students are dismissed from the front of the school.
- Monday 15th April – Term 2 begins!