
Monday 9am 

Friday 2.45pm 

HEPS Monday assemblies 9 am (whole school – front of school)

National anthem, school oath, acknowledgment of country, focus for the week, lunch club reports, sport and community recognition, birthday celebrations 
25/3 Easter bonnet / Cultural headdress parade 


HEPS Friday assemblies 2.45 – 3.30 pm (Group 1 and 2 alternate - gym)

Group 1 FSB, FAK, 1RH, 1CA, 2MY, 2SK, 3BB, 3GE, 4AP, 4LS, 5NP, 5KB, 6KR, 6AB
Group 2 FTM, FEJ, 1CR, 1RK, 2CB, 2JE, 3MW, 4BA, 5YS, 5KL, 6JM, 6RL
Date Classes attending and house captains Class running assembly




Harmony Day assembly 


Aim High assembly 

Whole school 


Choir performing 


28/ 3

2.15-2.30 Whole school assembly (front of school) End of Term early dismissal




(Respect, Growth, Teamwork, Resilience) 


FSBBastie RespectBastie has had a great start to school. He always shows respect towards others, listens attentively on the floors showing the 5L’s of listening and works well with his classmates, keep it up Bastie!
FAKAlex CResilienceFor always bouncing back from daily challenges and not letting these stop you from enjoying the rest of your day. Well done Alex, you have come so far!
1RHTess PGrowthFor your wonderful effort in Maths this week, Tess! You collaborated with your partner when identifying patterns on the 100s chart and should be very proud of yourself. What a star!
1CAOdin GrowthWhat a wonderful start to Grade 1, Odin. You have been completing all your tasks and concentrating on improving in everything that you do. You are using whole body listening skills and learning to use the school values. You have started reading and getting to know your sounds. We are very proud of your efforts.
2MYLidia RespectWhat a joy it is to have you a member of 2MY Lidid! Your smile and positivity brightens our classroom every day. You are friendly, kind and thoughtful towards all around you and you take great care to treat our space and classmates with respect. Keep on shining super star! 
2SKAmelia GrowthAmelia, well done on a wonderful start to grade 2 at HEPS. You show the school values every day and have been able to easily settle into the new routines of a new school. Your positive attitude and enthusiasm contribute hugely to both 2SK and the HEPS community. Keep on growing you star!
3BBIsla GrowthFor working hard towards your personal goals and showing a growth mindset by having a go even when you are unsure, asking questions, never giving up and celebrating each success! Keep up the brilliant work, Isla - you are a 3BB superstar!
3GEIshanvi GrowthIshanvi, you have settled into the classroom routines smoothly. You demonstrate all of our school values every day, but what stands out the most is the growth you’ve shown in these first weeks of the school year. Excellent effort, Ishanvi!
4APJames ResilienceJames, we all admire the way in which you always go above and beyond to improve your learning in class. I love how you continue to bounce back and learn from any mistakes, always turning them into opportunities. We are so lucky to have you in 4AP!
4LSNate TeamworkNate, you always use a growth mindset when working with your peers. Your positivity is contagious and you are a perfect role model. We are very lucky to have you as a part of our class, year level and school. Thanks for being you!
5NPParker GrowthParker has shown tremendous strides towards his learning goals. He has been keeping himself accountable with his learning and is frequently working with his teachers to achieve the goals he has set. He always has a positive attitude and a growth mindset. Keep up the good work, Parker!
5KBJames GrowthJames has displayed an excellent attitude towards all of his learning tasks. He applies himself diligently to all learning tasks. James effectively shows in thinking in maths sessions. He asks great questions and make wonderful inferences during our reading sessions. What a legend! Keep aiming high.
6KRGianna RespectGianna, you continually display the value of respect in and out of class. You listen attentively and actively participate in class discussions, sharing your ideas and thoughts on the topic. You show respect towards all your classmates and teachers and it is wonderful to see you be a terrific example for others. Keep up the great attitude! 
6ABImogen  RespectFor your amazing attitude towards your learning. You complete tasks to a beautiful standard and you are always respectful of your peers' learning environment. You are an excellent role model for our class. Keep being the superstar you are. 
ArtIshan (1RH)RespectFor listening to others, focusing on your creative efforts and taking such pride in your artwork. You are always polite, sharing with others and you are a delight to have in our art room. Keep up the great learning.
STEAM Liam 4APYou are an enthusiastic participant in STEAM classes. Always prepared to ask questions and embrace the challenges provided.  You are respectful of your peers and ask questions when unsure. Keep up the wonderful learning!