
Round 1: Tuesday, 23 April - Thursday, 9 May
Round 2: Tuesday, 8 - Thursday, 24 October
Bebras is an international initiative aiming to engage students in computational thinking and problem-solving skills, in a fun and interactive environment.
The Bebras international community has now grown to include 60 countries with over 2.9 million students participating worldwide! Bebras Australia began in 2014 and was delivered by CSIRO until 2023. The Australian Maths Trust is delivering the Bebras Challenge in 2024 free of charge for Australian schools.
This year students in Years 3-6 will once again participate in the Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge during STEAM. The students will be involved in the online challenge in a 45-minute (Years 5 & 6) or a 60-minute (Years 3 & 4) session.
Parents will need to complete a consent form for your child to participate in the challenge, so please keep an eye out for this in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Tanya Dennis
Interschool Sport - Level 5 and 6
Last week, our Level 5 and 6 students played against other schools in their Interschool Sports Gala day. Here are some of our students experiences of their days...
For the Inter school sports days, HEPS had 2 basketball teams out of 15 different sport teams, who went off to Mullum Mullum Stadium in Donvale to compete against other schools. The boys team tried their best and won 1 game on the first day and made a really big improvement on the second day, winning 3 games. The girls team also made an improvement on the second day winning 0 on the first day and 1 on the second. Overall, both of the teams put in their best effort during the days. Lucy W 6JM
The HEPS Sofcrosse teams had an interesting first day. The mixed team played okay against the other teams, with the girls team performing a bit better than the boys. Unfortunately, the boys finished with no points and didn't win any games. The girls got one point but won no games. We lost the first and the last games. The second and third game we played really well and the best we could but were beaten by really good teams. I had fun playing with my friends. Jackson K 6JM
On the 1st of March 2024 both mixed teams and girl’s teams went off for their first Gala Day. We played cricket at Yarra Valley Grammar. The first gala day was a round robin. We played five games, in which one was a break. We played against Great Ryrie, Eastwood, Kalinda and Croydon Hills. We won all four games, mostly due to James and Jessie's big hitting, Mr Mulder's great umpiring, and excellent teamwork. Both mixed teams came home winners. The second Gala Day was two weeks later. We played excellently, but sadly lost the first few games. But we persevered and finished the day. The whole team had lots of fun. We may have not won, but amazing sportsmanship, great teamwork and loud cheering made that day the most memorable experience of my school journey! Darsh S 6JM