Level 5

Level 5
In Grade 5 this fortnight, we have had so much fun. We have been engaged in our Inquiry projects, the 2nd Gala Day and twilight sports! It has been so much fun connecting with our peers, our wider school community and students and teachers from other schools.
Level 5 have had a big focus on Inquiry, as we have seen that the students are all very engaged in their learning and they’re producing some amazing work pieces. We have been researching first points of European settlement in each state and territory across the country. We have researched key information, using reliable websites and created posters, including the different biomes in Australia.
We are moving on to researching an important person in Australia, who made an impact between 1800 – Federation. This is a student-led task, where they get to decide who their person is, how they go about collecting their information and how they will present their learning. Level 5 have shown so much interest and we are very excited to see what they can produce.
In Reading, we are connecting our texts to ourselves, to other texts and to the world in which we live. The students have demonstrated a strong understanding of this concept and are using this knowledge in their writing.
We are creating our own short stories in Writing, which will then be collated into class books, to be printed and enjoyed by everyone. The students have just begun their planning and will be starting their writing soon.
In Numeracy, we are developing our understanding of place value, with a focus on decimals. We are using manipulatives and different strategies, such as using a number line and place value charts.
The Level 5 teachers would like to congratulate the students on a fantastic start to the school year and we are all looking forward to creating many more happy memories and learning opportunities!