Level 3

Level 3
It’s been a busy week in Level 3! The teachers have been so proud of our superstar students trying their best in all four NAPLAN assessments. They have demonstrated patience (using technology always keeps us on our toes!), positive attitudes, resilience and growth. A big high-5 to all our Level 3 kids – we did it!
Even with NAPLAN, we still kept up our regular lessons this week. In reading, we’ve been focusing on making connections, both text to self and text to text, to better understand what we are reading. 3BB students particularly enjoyed the beautiful story, ‘My Two Blankets’ by Freya Blackwood, about a girl who arrives in a new country. Some students were able to make connections about similar experiences, while others drew connections to the feelings the character had that they felt when they moved schools, met new friends, or felt a sense of loss or belonging.
This week, students have been getting their persuasive voices onto paper. They started by noticing the differences between narrative and persuasive texts, including features and structure. Students worked collaboratively in teams on their ‘Text Type Puzzles’ to put this learning into action. They then took on the challenge of hunting for persuasive devices in texts, including exaggeration (we were good at this one!) and emotive language.
This week we have been exploring number patterns by first identifying the rule and then continuing the pattern. A highlight of the week was a lesson where students were given no explanation of a task about number patterns and they had to work out what they needed to do on their own. There was so much wonderful problem solving which then led to brilliant peer-to-peer teaching and a great success for all!
This week we have been preparing for our final research project. As a class, we went through the research process together by investigating the Heathmont Community using multiple sources and writing a community profile.
This week 3BB added their gems to the whole school gem jar. We voted for… a whole school movie! Congratulations 3BB on demonstrating the HEPS values of teamwork, respect, growth and resilience.
It was wonderful to come together as a community on Friday for the Twilight Sports. Well done to all the 3BB students who participated!