Acting Principal's Report

Dear members of the St. Cecilia’s School community,
It is with great pleasure that I can say that this will be my last Acting Principal's newsletter update (at least for a while). The reason for this feeling of joy is certainly not any reflection on the great honour and privilege it has been to lead the school for the past few months, but rather that we will be welcoming Marty back to the helm at the beginning of Term 2.
You can see two legends of our school pictured above during a recent coincidental catch up in Noosa, where Miss Mustey was celebrating a family wedding and Mr Mckenna was taking a long overdue get away after an extremely arduous past few months.
Two more positive individuals or outstanding role models for all of us you would be hard pressed to find. Their dedication to our school and love for the students is completely unwavering through thick and thin. That is why it is such a fitting image to accompany the news of Marty's return.
You may have seen Marty back at school over the past couple of weeks at various times. He simply could not be kept away any longer. His recovery is continuing and he's feeling stronger and more well now with each week that passes.
Despite the concerned protests of many, Marty even made the journey down to Sunnystones Camp to visit the year 5/6 students on Thursday afternoon. His appearance made what had already been a fantastic camp experience, absolutely unforgettable.
Marty's courage and resilience throughout his health battles have been a real inspiration to us all and we are overjoyed to be welcoming him back next term. Once again, I know that Marty would want me to reiterate what he has said many times, that the love and support shown by every single member of the St Cecilia's community has meant the world to him and that he too, can't wait to be back at his beloved St Cecilia's.
MACS Vision For Instruction
In the last newsletter I spoke about the launch of the MACS Vison for Instruction which is part of their new '2030 Forming Lives to Enrich the World Strategy'.
As I expressed last time, these new policy directions present exciting opportunities for us as a school to further strengthen our practice and our impact on the students of St Cecilia's. Importantly, the central themes of this document closely echo the St Cecilia's Vision statement:
“An inclusive community
that inspires courageous learners
to make a difference
by living Christ’s love for others.”
This alignment means that the significant resources and support that MACS is directing towards schools to forward these aims, will see us as a school be able to achieve our own school vision in new and exciting ways.
If you would like to know more about the new MACS strategic documents, you can click on the thumbnails images below.
Welcome to our PA Coordinators for 2024!
We are very excited and grateful to be able to announce that Jen McGrath has been joined by Georgie Carman in the role of Parents Association Coordinator.
Georgie has had a long relationship with the school and has supported the community in a number of ways over the years. We are therefore very glad to have Georgie alongside Jen in the role of coordinator this year. To find out a little more about both Jen and Georgie, go to the Parents Association page to read an self authored introduction from each of our PA leaders.
End of Term 1, Beginning of Term 2
As you will by now be aware, our last day for Term 2 is next Thursday, March 28.
The school day will finish a 1:20pm.
Please note that Camp Australia will be able to provide care for any students booked in on that day from 1:20pm.
Also as advertised in previous emails, Monday April 15 will be a school closure day. Please see the flyer which provides details for the pupil free day program that is being offered by Camp Australia. We have been advised that this program will only be offered if there is sufficient interest, so please register as soon as possible if you would like to make use of this service.
An Invitation to our Holy Week Prayer Service Thursday March 28 - 9:15 in the School Hall
All parents and carers are warmly invited to join us on the last day of this term, Holy Thursday, for a prayer service and reflection on the events of Holy Week.
Each year level will be presenting a part of the story.
We do however want to emphasise that this event is one of prayer and reflection, during which we ask all participants to join in prayer and contemplation of this sacred time in the Christian calendar.
This does mean, for parents who wish to attend, that we ask that toddlers are not brought along. We understand that this may be difficult to arrange, but we really value the reverence this event has held in past years and wish to maintain the atmosphere and significance of the event as a spiritual and liturgical celebration. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing those of you who are are able to join us on Thursday.
School Disco - Change of Date: Friday May 24
This is just a quick note to let you know that the School Disco date been updated to Friday May 24.
A big thank you to Claire Clark and Bona Dyrmishi who have kindly offered to coordinate the disco again this year. We look forward to another wonderful evening of music and dancing!
School Swimming Lessons Program a Great Success
Once again, a very big thank you to all of our Foundation to Year 4 families for supporting our annual swimming program. The students concluded the the program today with some special water safety activites and games. We also thank Maccabi Aquatics for their professional and expert tuition of our students during the program.
STEAM Room and Library Update - HELPERS WANTED: Wednesday March 27
With the final touches being put on our STEAM room during the Term 1 holidays we are looking for a team of parent voluteers to assist us in clearing our library next Wednesday.
One of the final tasks to be completed over the holidays to complete this latest school renovation, is to replace the carpet in the library.
This does of course mean that we need to clear the library, no mean feat! However, with a brand new, but yet empty STEAM room adjacent, we will not have to move the books and shelves too far.
If you can offer an hour or two of your time next Wednesday to assist us move the books and shelving, it would be greatly appreciated. If available, please indicate by adding you name to the roster below:
A Cross Generational St Cecilia's Production; How will Australia keep the lights on.
The clip below is a piece published by a team that two of our St Cecilia's parents, Paul Zennaro and Belinda Sandilands, work on. The voiceover is acted by one of our year 6 students, Amelie.
Paul, who wrote the script, is also St Cecilia’s graduate himself, so this has a real St Cecilia’s connection. Congratulations to Amelie for a wonderful performance and to Paul, Belinda and their team for a great producing such a wonderful animation.
How will Australia keep the lights on when coal-fired generation retires? There is a plan. on Vimeo
We are looking forward to a special final week with times for prayer, reflection and thanksgiving for the wonderful term that we have had.
Wishing you and your families all a very happy, blessed and safe Easter and holiday break.
Matthew Mooney
Acting Principal
St Cecilia’s Primary School