Catholic Identity 

Libby Lockwood 

Assistant Principal & REC

Easter Community Morning

Today, St Mary of the Angels hosted our Easter Community Morning. We welcomed parents, carers, family and friends to Mass at 9.00am, our Easter Hat Parade, Merit Awards and Raffle and a BYO picnic. We were lucky to have a coffee van onsite for morning tea. We enjoyed sharing our Mass, Easter Fun and awards announcements with many members of our school community. Thank you to Fr. O'Shea for a wonderful Mass where many of us learnt that today is officially the final day of Lent!

St Patrick's Day

On Friday 15th March 2024, we celebrated St Patrick's Day. Students dressed in their favourite green clothing and participated in an afternoon of activities. It was great to see all of our young people be actively involved in this as well as generously donating to Project Compassion.  

Parish Mass Times

Please join our Parish to celebrate the Eucharist. Our Parish offers daily masses at 9:00am and two Mass times every weekend. 

Saturday - 6.00pm

Sunday - 9.00am

Easter Mass Times

Thursday 28th March - Washing of the Feet 6pm

Friday 29th March - Good Friday Mass 3pm

Saturday 30th March - Easter Vigil 7pm

Sunday 31st March - Mass 9am

Living Well, Learning Well