Year Six

Dear Year 6 Families,
Can you believe that term 1 is already over? How quickly time flies! What an incredible term and start to the year we have had. The Year Six teachers are all incredibly impressed with the transition and composure of our students as they have become the leaders of our primary school.
As we end our first Literacy Unit of the year, the students have completed a summative assessment in the form of a free verse poem about themselves. This poem incorporates all of the concepts and poetic devices we have learnt about throughout the term and allows the students to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions about their own journeys, changes and transitions in their lives so far.
In Maths this past term, we have enjoyed focusing on Number and Place Value. The end of the unit is always an exciting time as we see the growth our students have made throughout the unit. We are incredibly proud of all the students for their efforts in maths lessons, and always trying their best.
Unit of Inquiry
Our first Unit of Inquiry has been such a huge success! We have learnt so much about our transitions in life and different things of value to us at different stages and ages. We discovered the correlation between growing up and the increased usage of social media. Our final couple of weeks in this unit has had a strong focus on Cyber Safety. The students have enjoyed our summative assessment which has included creating infographics and presentations for children of different ages about cyber safety.
Police Incursion
To consolidate their learning connecting to the UOI, our students were lucky enough to have some local police officers present to us about cyber safety. The students learnt about what to be aware of, best practices when using social media and the consequences of misuse. The students were extremely engaged throughout the presentation and gained a lot of useful and relevant information.
Beach Program
The end of the term also sees the end of our beach program. The students have had an amazing time while learning about beach safety, CPR and basic first aid. The Year Six teachers loved watching the students' confidence grow around beach safety each week.
Harmony Day
A massive thank you to everyone for their participation in our Harmony Day celebrations! Harmony Day is so special because it allows us to celebrate the wonderful diversity of our students and families. The students had a great time learning about each others cultures and celebrations.
Cross Country Sports Captain
A huge congratulations to our two selected cross country sports captains - Harrison and Harper! We are so excited to see how you lead all of the students who are participating in this years cross country. We know you're going to be amazing!
Back to School - Term Two
We are so excited for Term Two! Right from day one, we have so much to be excited about!
On day one of term two, our Grade Six students will be receiving their Year Six Polos!
A huge congratulations to Pradnya in 6C for creating the winning design for our polos.
We are also launching our Elective Program in week one. The students will find out which elective they will be participating in on the first day back at school.
Day one and week one of term two is going to be AMAZING!
We hope you all have an incredible break over the holidays. Stay safe, rest up and prepare for another fantastic term!
Kindest Regards,
Year Six Team