Year Four

Dear Year Four Families,
Congratulations to all Year Four students on the successful completion of Term One. Students have worked hard on the first Unit of Inquiry exploring the Central Idea 'Who we choose to admire reflects our beliefs and values' under the Transdisciplinary Theme of Who We Are.
In Reading, students have reflected on their own personal beliefs and values. They learnt to consolidate their learning and knowledge about character traits, beliefs and values. Students researched a person they admire (role model) using different websites, books and news articles. Next, they built personal connections with their role model’s beliefs and values by making a list of all the qualities they admire, their own personal qualities and any differences between them and their role models.
Students planned to present the information they gathered to an audience. They worked on the layout of their presentation utilising both digital formats such as PowerPoint, Canva and non-digital formats such as creating posters. This activity helped students to build their presentation skills which is known to boost confidence, promote leadership skills, ignite creativity, cultivate critical thinking skills as well as promote effective communication.
In Writing, students learnt about similes, metaphors and alliterations to enhance descriptive writing in poems. We looked at the mentor texts, ‘You’re Toast’, ‘Animalia’ and ‘My Best Friend is as Sharp as a Pencil’. The Mentor Texts helped students to build their knowledge of figurative language and choice of words. Students linked their knowledge of figurative language to the Unit of Inquiry by writing a poem about a person they admire.
In Mathematics, we continued to explore and use place value concepts to round numbers, so it is easier to use them in real life situations. Students explored the concept of using money and understanding the value of coins and notes to confidently use it in real life. They have shared their learnings with their peers through collaboration and reflection on the strategies they used.
Homework for Term 2 holidays was handed out on Monday and should be handed back to the teacher on Wednesday the 17th of April which is week 1 of Term 2.
Homework is a reflection of students prior learning and should be accessed independently as a way of practising skills learnt. Students homework will be sighted by the teacher.
Crazy Hair Day
On Monday 15th April students are welcome to participate in a crazy hair day. This is the first day back. The crazier the hair, the better!
• Term Two will begin on Monday the 15th of April.
• Please ensure MacBooks are sent to school fully charged each day.
• Water Bottles need to be brought to school each day with fresh water.
• Late arrivals (8:40am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
• If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered onto XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.
Academic Uniform:
• Worn to school every day besides on days the students have sport
Sports Uniform:
• Worn to school on days your child has PE classes
• Can be worn on a Friday each week (optional)
• House tops to be worn during house events or on a Friday (optional).
Kind regards,
The Year 4 Team