Year Two

Dear Year Two Community,
How time flies! It is hard to believe that it is the end of term. The Year Two's have been up to so much in the past fortnight.
In Reading the Year Two students have continued exploring the comprehension skill of visualising. They have been risk takers by using their imaginations to think about what is being read and creating a visual image in their mind of the characters in settings in the story.
Students have loved learning about this reading skill and were creative learners!
In Writing, the students have finished their investigation into procedural writing. To challenge them, and to build on our Inquiry focus, the students had great fun writing procedural texts on how to create a cultural decoration. They then swapped texts with a partner and attempted to follow their instructions to make each other's decorations!
We have now begun our focus on Persuasive writing. The students will be learning about the structure and features of a persuasive text, such as using the OREO (Opinion, Reason, Evidence, Opinion) format to make their writing more persuasive.
In our Wellbeing lessons the students have been learning about self-regulation and making choices that help support our emotions and feelings. We created our own Class Catastrophe Scales, and ranked different scenarios on the scale from No Problem through to Big Problems and Catastrophes. We discovered that many of the problems we face at school are actually minor, meaning that we can solve them ourselves and then move on. However, sometimes the problems are bigger and we might need the help of teachers or responsible adults to help resolve them.
Our Unit of Inquiry 1 has come to an end and we have now started our Unit of Inquiry 2 with our central idea of 'Our actions impact the way our body works'. The Year Twos were thinkers by defining what the important words meant in the central idea using their research skills. They were able to create some wonderings about this Unit of Inquiry.
In Mathematics, the Year Two students finished their unit of 2D Shapes and 3D Objects and began learning about Place Value. Students created numbers with hands-on manipulatives. The students represented a variety of numbers, from two-digit to four-digit values, using MAB. Additionally, they investigated how to partition numbers with the use of the 'Part, Part Whole' strategy. The students in Year Two continue to develop their comprehension and problem-solving abilities with open-ended questions.
- Students are expected to bring their satchel to school every day filled with their take-home reading books, diary, and homework book.
- Hats are to be worn in Term One and Term Four.
- Students are expected to bring their iPad to school every day fully charged.
- Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered onto XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.
- Swimming Program takes place at the beginning of next term.
Best regards,
The Year 2 team