Year 8 News

Justin Chilver & Sam Hoffmann | Year 8 Coordinators

Welcome Back!

Wow, where has term 1 gone? Welcome back to Term 2, we hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday and you are excited to be back. Below are a few reminders to ensure that we finish the first semester on a positive note. 


Term 2

Term 2 is a long term and the Year 8 Team is here to help and support you to get through the term and make the most of your educational opportunities. Term 2 will bring with it new topics and assessments for the Year 8s. At the end of this term, students will receive a report with a standard level given. To ensure that students can meet their full potential please ensure you are encouraging students to stay on top of their work requirements and CATs. If they have any concerns please get them to reach out to their teachers or other staff. Students can also attend Maths (Monday) and English (Thursday) for support sessions after school from 3:30 in M13.  With this in mind, assessment tasks will start taking place in most subjects if they haven’t already and students may start to feel the pressure. If students need help or support, they can see the following:

  • Classroom teachers
  • FG teacher
  • YLC Coordinators (Mr Hoffmann or Mr Chilver)
  • Wellbeing or academic support (Kara or Bonita)
  • Leading teacher or Assistant Principal (Mrs Rowe or Mr Argall)

 General Reminders

  • The HC values is our Year 8 focus for this term – Care, Character, Collaboration, & Commitment
  • Arrive to class on time and with all required resources
  • No phones are to be outside of student lockers between 8:45 am – 3:20 pm
  • Diaries are to be brought to every class
  • Only 1 student to leave class at once


As the weather starts to cool down, please remember that the uniform is a Horsham College top, blue shorts/pants with the HC logo, and black shoes with white or black socks. We have noticed a few non-Horsham College hoodies/puffer jackets, hats, and t-shirts in the yard. Please check in with your students that they are wearing the correct school uniform. White and navy blue undershirts are accepted, no other colours are permitted. If you need assistance with the uniform, please see one of the Year 8 Team. Beanies are also available for purchase from the admin building.


Social Media

Student relationships are complicated and forever changing. With the increased uses of social media by students the complexities of managing these relationships have increased. We ask families to please have a conversation with their student/s about the safe, appropriate, and kind use of social media. Please reiterate to your student/s how to keep themselves safe on social media platforms. Additionally, please reiterate the importance of reporting any harassment and bullying online to carers so it can be followed up appropriately. 



There are still several people who don’t have locks on their locker, please ensure you have a lock so that your books, etc are protected. We recommended a combination lock however if you have a lock and key please ensure it has a spare and bring the spare lock to the Year 7 office for YLCs to hold. 


Football and other activities on the ovals:

REMINDER to all students playing football or similar sports during recess/lunch that there is to be no tackling at all. No exceptions. Yard Duty teachers will ask you to leave the oval if you cannot follow these expectations. Names of students who are tackling will be passed on to your YLC and consequences will follow. 

We hope you have a great term 2!


Mr Hoffmann & Mr Chilver