Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

Welcome Back

We welcome back all of our wonderful Year 7 students back for term 2. All the Year 7 teachers hope all students had a chance to wind down, have a break and even ate a few Easter eggs. This term has plenty going on and students are always encouraged to keep an eye out on their SEQTA notices for any opportunities that may interest them.


2024 Year 7 Information Night

Wednesday May 1, Year 7 staff will be hosting an information night for the incoming 2024 Year 7 students. There’s a number of current students who have been asked to speak on the night about their personal experiences and transition to high school. We thank you for volunteering and having the courage to speak in front of (potentially) hundreds of people.



A quick reminder that students are not required to wear a hat when out in the yard but are encouraged to do so. Students are encouraged to keep their hat in a safe place because they will need them again in term 4.



Immunisations are on Tuesday 30th April,  parents are reminded you should have received an email from the council. If you haven't, please ring the council to organise.