Academic Councellor News

Bonita O'Brien | Student Academic Councellor

Staying Focussed

Welcome back to Term Two. Term Two means a drop in temperature and less time for outside activities after school; it also can be a time when students lose focus, where bad habits become difficult to break. 

At school, we want all students to be prepared for each class; having their diary, laptop and pencil case as well as any workbooks or textbooks needed.  At home, families can help students to continue to be focussed by:

  • Staying connected – Use SEQTA Engage to know what is going on and to communicate with staff. Talk (sometimes difficult with teenagers). Try for little and often; short check-ins regularly rather than big long conversations.
  • Stay in a routine – Students benefit from regular bedtimes and being able to know what is happening and when.
  • Staying physically active/ Eating well – Academic success is easier to achieve when we are fit and healthy. 

Stay focussed, stay warm and we can tackle Term Two together. Please reach out if you have any questions or if we can help in any way.


Bonita O’Brien 

Student Academic Counsellor Years 7-10