Student Engagement



Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall, Liam Offer & Dan Garner

Welcome back to all our students and families for what will no doubt be a big term two. Please read below for a few reminders and other general information.


Uniform - Term two brings colder weather and it is important that students and families are aware of the key aspects of our uniform policy regarding this:

  • No hooded jumpers allowed
  • Only plain white or plain navy long sleeved top can be worn under polo top
  • Navy Horsham College puffer, soft shell jacket or Rugby Jumper with College Logo (navy blue with yellow and white stripe) permitted

If you need to purchase any school uniform please head to Lowes in the Horsham Plaza. It is a requirement that students are in full school uniform whilst at school.


Student absences – please contact your child’s year level office if you know your child is going to be absent or they require a pass to be collected for an appointment. This is particularly important in regard to mobile phone use, as outlined below.


Mobile phones and smart watches – a reminder that it is a statewide policy that students must not have use their mobile phones or smart watches between 8:50am and 3:20pm each school day. These must be securely stored in student’s lockers (not carried in pockets or pencil cases), although it is our preference that they are kept at home. To support with this, we remind parents/guardians to contact your child’s year level office if you need to speak with your child, rather than contacting them directly on their mobile.


Social Media Addiction – as the colder weather sets in, students are more likely to be spending time inside which can mean spending more time on their devices. This Social Media Addiction Article is a fantastic resource that provides families with much needed information on the disruptions that our devices can cause to our lives. These apps are designed to be addictive and our teenagers are among the first generation that have not experienced life before the internet and therefore social media is part of their everyday routine. The article discusses research around the topic and overcoming addiction. It is a really good read.


Please reach out if we can support with your child in anyway.



Shannon, Liam, Louise and Dan