Lindy Burke

As term 1 draws to a close, we're undergoing some staffing changes. Ben Hawthorn has secured a substantive principal position at Cohuna Consolidated School, commencing at the start of term 2. Ben has been an invaluable member of EEPS for over three years, instilling his passion for teaching and learning in all. He will be sincerely missed. Josh Molluso will be assuming the role of Acting Assistant Principal for the remainder of the year. Additionally, we bid farewell to Deena Pridham, who has accepted a teaching position at Tongala Primary School starting next term. We extend our heartfelt thanks to both Ben and Deena for their dedication to our students at EEPS, and we wish them the very best in their future endeavors. Currently, we're in the process of recruiting new teachers to fill these positions, and we'll keep you updated on any developments.


What a delightful celebration we had today to mark the last day of school before the Easter break! The Easter hat parade was a vibrant display of colors, joy, and laughter. It was truly heartwarming to announce the winners of our "level best hat" competition. Additionally, the excitement of our famous "guess how many eggs in the jar" contest culminated in Joey H from 12A emerging as the victor with an impressive guess of 277 eggs. The beaming smile on his face was priceless.

In addition to the festivities, our school community showed its generosity through a gold coin donation for casual dress and contributions to the "guess the egg" competition. Together, we raised over $450, which will be donated to the Royal Children's Hospital appeal. This is yet another testament to the incredible spirit of giving within our Easties community.

As we embark on the Easter holiday break, I extend warm wishes to all for a wonderful Easter and a restful holiday. Let's reconvene on Monday, April 15th, refreshed and ready to dive into the adventures of term 2!



Happy Easter Everyone!