From the President

Mr David Mazengarb 

Dear Old Virgilians


The academic year is now fully underway, and we wish all students the best for the forthcoming year. We thank the College and its staff for their continued dedication to delivering a positive experience for all students and I take this opportunity to acknowledge the School prefects and other leadership teams for accepting those roles, each of which require additional time and commitment.


Over the last month, the OVA Committee has received extensive communication from a broad range of its membership. Members have sought clarification on a range of important issues and hopefully we have been diligent in acknowledging member enquiries and responding as soon as practical. Off the back of those enquiries, now it is the time for the OVA to review its own governance framework and how that aligns with and supports the College endeavours.


I am pleased that the often-silent OVA army has expressed their continued interest in the OVA and its role within the School community and that our communications are often read with interest.


There is work to be done for the OVA Committee in the forthcoming 12 months and there will be opportunities for members to engage with the Committee as part of that process. I encourage members to take those opportunities. The communication with the College, via the Principal, Jon Franzin has been extensive of recent, and I believe this will solidify the governance arrangements of the OVA and support of the College for future years. I recognise that where the College must deal with sensitive matters that emotions are heightened, and this has provided a challenging and stressful environment for many. OVA will continue to support its members and of recent the College has offered very constructive suggestions as to how this can be delivered.


The next opportunity is the OVA Annual General Meeting on Monday 25 March at the St Virgil's Junior School – please see details in this edition of OVAtions.


Also, for your diaries, the OVA Annual dinner will be held on Friday 11 October 2024, at which another three additional inductees will be added to the OVA Roll of Honour. Details of those inductees will be provided in the next few months.


For our Victorian members, once again we will be organising a gathering on Friday 25 October 2024.


Finally, as we move into Easter period, I extend my best wishes to all old Virgilians, their families and loved ones for a safe and happy Easter season.