Year 7 & 8

 Ms Taryn Sephton

Growing Confidence 

Ms Sephton
Ms Sephton

It has been another engaging fortnight for our Year 7 and 8 students. 

This week during Extended PCG, Year 7s were fortunate to have a Guest Presenter from Anglicare who spoke on the topic of confidence and covered the topics of confidence, how to gain and project confidence, the difference between confidence and arrogance, and they provided opportunities to analyse real-life examples to determine whether they demonstrated lots, some, or no confidence. The students are to be commended for demonstrating active and respectful listening throughout the presentation.


Both year groups have spent time this week learning about and creating SMART goals. These goals have been recorded under the Goal Manager tab in SEQTA. Students are encouraged to share these with their families and to keep checking in and measuring their progress towards achieving these goals as the semester unfolds. 



Academically, the Year 7s participated in their first two NAPLAN assessments and from all accounts these went smoothly. There has also been face-to-face and online Parent Teacher meetings for Year 7 and new Year 8 students which provided families with an opportunity to meet teachers and check in on their child’s learning thus far.


On The Horizon

With Interschool competitions and carnivals on the horizon, it is wonderful to see so many of our youngest students getting involved and preparing themselves to represent St George’s. Whether it be in the ACC Swimming or NWAS carnivals or the inaugural Interschool Diving competition, I know these students will all have a wonderful day competing.


Wishing our Year 7 and 8 community an enjoyable final two weeks of Term One.




Ms Taryn Sephton

Head of Year 7 & 8