School Operations

Mrs Shannon Allen


Families of Year 10 students are reminded about the upcoming vaccinations that are provided to students as a part of the School Based Immunisation Program. Year 10 students will be having their vaccinations in Week 9 this term, on Tuesday 26 March


Consent (online or paper form) for your child to have their vaccination at school must be completed no later than Wednesday 20 March. You are encouraged to provide consent online via VaccinateWA.   If you’re not able to access the online system, you can complete a paper copy of the form that can be collected from Reception. 

Phone use

Recently we have seen an increase in unacceptable mobile phone use by students during the school day, resulting in their phone being confiscated. Students who have their phone taken off them are required to collect it from the Head of Operations, with an explanation for their breach of the school rules, prior to it being returned. During these conversations, many students indicate that they are aware of the policy surrounding the use of mobile phones and that they did not have a valid reason for its use. Students are reminded that, if they do have a reason to need to access their phone during the day, they should speak to their Head of Year or appropriate staff member to gain permission. At St George’s we expect students to be responsible users of technology and would prefer for them to moderate their own use of their devices whilst at school, rather than them needing to be confiscated. We encourage conversations at home to clarify these expectations with students. 

Rotary Exchange

Families and students  interested in Rotary Youth Exchange can find our more about some new programs here: 


Mrs Shannon Allen

Head of Operations