Head of Curriculum

Mr Anthony Bochrinis

NAPLAN Update 

Mr Bochrinis
Mr Bochrinis

Our Year 7 and 9 students are now halfway through their NAPLAN testing, with a Conventions of Language test on Monday and then Numeracy on Tuesday. I would like to congratulate our students for the diligence they have displayed as I have visited these classes during this important assessment period. A reminder for the Conventions of Language test on Monday: all students are required to bring headphones or earphones that can connect to their device to complete the spelling test component.


Year 11 & 12 ATAR Examinations

It may seem far away, however the Semester One Year 11 & 12 ATAR Examinations are exactly 60 days away. Now is the perfect time for students to use independent private study lessons or home study sessions to begin compiling notes and preparing for exams. This is crucial as Term Two continues with assessments right up to the examination period, making it difficult to revise and collate notes from early in Term One. Here are our top tips for preparation:


•  Forgetfulness is your biggest challenge. Remembering what you studied at the beginning of Term One can be challenging in mid Term Two. Spend this time writing, editing, compiling, and storing any notes you have from Term One.

•   Practising past papers is the best way to prepare. It's vital to practice these under timed conditions and spend ample time marking your responses carefully against the marking key. For Year 12 students, the Legendary Learners Hub is available, and Year 11 students can access past St George's papers via their teacher.


Year 12 Externally Set Tasks (ESTs)

Even closer to the Semester One exams are our ESTs! These important assessments, weighted at 15% of each Year 12 ATAR course, are only 46 days away! Again, practicing past papers is the most effective way to prepare. All past papers, marking keys, and exemplar samples of strong student responses are available on the Legendary Learners Hub.


Year 11 2025 Subject Selection Package

For our current Year 10s, it may seem far off before you enter Year 11, but it always arrives sooner than expected! Next week, all Year 10 students and families will excitingly receive the Year 11 2025 Subject Selection Package, which details all pathway offerings and the 43 courses available in Year 11, along with the prerequisites required in Year 10. With Semester One exams commencing in Week 8 of the next term, now is a great time to review courses of interest and set goals for the upcoming examination period. When this package is released, students and families will have approximately 4 months to explore all the information before submitting preferences at the beginning of Term 3 for subject selection. It is an exciting process, and we look forward to supporting your child through it.


Mr Anthony Bochrinis

Head of Curriculum