Pastoral Focus

Mr Ian Thompson

Striking a chord

Mr Thompson
Mr Thompson

Last week School Counsellor Ebony Kriedemann joined me in introducing ourselves and sharing our philosophies with St George’s families on the challenges facing teenagers. Many thanks to all the parents who attended - I know Ebony’s advice struck a chord with many.


In another guest-speaker event, the Year 10s enjoyed a wonderful day in the company of Glen Gerreyn (pictured above) from The Hopefull Institute. Glen is a noted expert in his field and provided students with many useful takeaways about social and emotional wellbeing. Head of Year 10 Mr Sloan was full of praise for our students who showed great maturity and engaged well with Glen’s message. Glen will also be delivering a seminar focused on Social & Emotional Wellbeing specifically tailored for our students.


This week our Heads of House crafted a series of fun activities for House Week, including volleyball on the roof and "GeoGuessrs" (for the uninitiated this is a geography game which takes you on a journey around the world and challenges your ability to recognise your surroundings).


And of course, today was the World’s Greatest Shave. The level of participation of staff and students says so much about this community. At the time of writing this newsletter, we had passed $12,00. The work of the Leukemia Foundation helping people, and their families, dealing with blood cancer is such a worthy cause and the ponytails donated are used to make wigs for patients who have suffered hair loss due to the effects of chemotherapy treatment.


Each time I write an article I am staggered by the number and variety of events on every week at the school. As we approach the end of the first term can I take this opportunity to thank our students and families, for making me feel so welcome. This is truly a very special place.

Mr Ian Thompson

Head of Pastoral - Student Wellbeing