Let's Talk Careers

Work Experience

Can you help?

Our Year 10 students are starting to think about what they will do for Work Experience in Term 2. This program is a way to learn new skills and gain insights into different careers and a valuable opportunity to demonstrate their skills to potential employers. 


Employability skills are the qualities and abilities that make you a desirable candidate for any job, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, initiative, and adaptability. These skills are sometimes referred to as ‘soft skills’ and are what employers and universities look for in the ever-changing labour market. 


By searching for and completing work experience, we hope all Year 10s will develop and showcase these skills in various ways. For example, when students look for work experience, they will spend time in Pathways researching different options, writing a resume and a cover letter, and preparing for a possible interview!  These tasks require our Year 10s to communicate effectively, show motivation and interest, and present themselves professionally. In Pathways, we encourage the Year 10s to be flexible and open-minded; they may have to consider different types of work experience or adjust their expectations. Whether it’s working in a bakery, law firm or retail outlet, all students will gain valuable experience in the world of work. Following instructions and adhering to the expectations of supervisors and colleagues, as well as the policies and procedures of the organisation, provide valuable insight that cannot be taught in a classroom.


Success story: Lucas Caporn

A good example of a work experience success story is Lucas, now in Year 11, who last year did work experience at the coffee house next door to school, GameCity Cafe. This led to some volunteering and now Lucas is back at cafe, learning to grind coffee and interact with the public under the guidance of Dharmesh Patel (pictured).   


Work experience students need to work well with others, respect diversity, and contribute to the team's goals. Facing challenges or difficulties will require creative thinking, problem-solving and learning from feedback. Some may even have the opportunity to take initiative, show leadership, and demonstrate enthusiasm and passion.


Work experience is not just about the week itself, it is about the invaluable process of learning about different career paths, where to look for support and understanding how you can improve to get the dream job you always wanted. 


If you or someone you know is able to support the St George’s Work Experience Program by offering out students a placement, please contact Sharan Tagore on stagore@stgeorges.wa.edu.au


Mrs Sharan Tagore

APEx, Careers and Curriculum Coordinator