Library News

Welcome to the last newsletter for Term 1, where has the time gone?
Kindergarten has come so far this term and have started to be confident with library routines and expectations. They know how to return their books to the correct place (it sounds easy but books can often end up anywhere!) and regularly borrow. They confidently identify parts of a book; front & back covers, pages, spine, blurb, title and also can tell me what an author and illustrator do. This week, students chose their favourite book we read this term and then drew their version of the front cover. A great start to the year!
Nick in KD loved ‘There’s No Such Thing’ by Heidi McKinnon and did a great job illustrating the cover.
Meanwhile, Stage 1 will be choosing their favourite book they’ve read this term too and reading ********, a new book we received this week. Stage 2 and 3 classes will spend their final lesson borrowing for the holidays and then learning how to use the search filters on SORA to assist them in choosing a great book. Softlink Education also has some useful tips for how to encourage your child to read for pleasure which could be helpful during the holidays too.
Books for the Holidays - SORA
Even though the library may be closed for the holidays, that doesn’t mean your child needs to stop borrowing books. All primary and secondary students can access the Diocese’s online digital library (SORA) to read magazines, and e-books or listen to audiobooks.
To access SORA, you can download the App or access the website online here. Your child will need their school username and password which is available from their classroom teacher (I don’t have access to these).
Instructions to log in to SORA can be accessed here.
SORA has some fantastic ‘Cozy Autumn Reads’ recommendations for primary and secondary students too.
2024 CBCA Younger Readers Book of the Year Shortlist
Last week, I previewed the Older Readers Book of the Year shortlist and this week is the Younger Readers' turn. Entries in this category may be fiction, drama or poetry and should be appropriate in style and content for readers from the middle to upper primary years. 7-12 years.
The Library’s a Busy Place
The library is one of the few spaces within the school that’s used by students and staff from Kindergarten to Year 10. Most days there are primary library lessons, students working with support staff and secondary students studying or catching up on assessments. Last week, Year 7 English came for the afternoon session while 3M had their lesson too; we had a full house! We’re lucky to have such a wonderful library that allows for multiple groups to share the space.
Everybody Loves a Graphic Novel
Graphic novels are the fastest growing books in literature and you don’t have to look far to realise that trend is here at HTS. Below is a photo of 6Ms book returns from last week - what do you notice?
Year 7 student Ryan Grant brought in some comics he’s been writing and illustrating in his spare time at home. To say I was amazed was an understatement! Ryan has written four comics titled ‘Roomates’ and has spent hours creating these stories and artwork. Staff and students have loved seeing what Ryan has done, and they’re a credit to his creativity and persistence. I hope he’s able to return to our school when he publishes his first comic in the future!
Bag Tales
This week, it’s Teddy and Matthew’s (2G) turn to show us their library bags. Minecraft and Harry Potter are as popular as ever!
Meet the Readers
No sooner had I put out these two new non-fiction books than they were borrowed. Jaxon (6M) loves reading about animals and he recommends one to Jack (6M) too.
Just a few of the happy faces in the library during Term 1.
I hope you have a happy, relaxing and safe holiday, see you in Term 2!
Mrs Toni Fraser