Pupil of the week 


Lenny G- For always following our classroom routines and being an excellent role model of the Golden rule! You have made a wonderful start to school.


Oscar M - for always following our classroom routines, what a fantastic role model you are! You have made such a brilliant start to school, Oscar.
  FGAbigail C - for being brave over the last four weeks since starting school. We are so proud of you!


Olivia B -  for always demonstrating the Kalinda value of kindness. You are a wonderful friend and classmate!

Zion W - S -  For your amazing writing about Sonic. Your handwriting is out of this world!


Emma B - For displaying enthusiasm and curiosity when learning new things in the classroom.

Jayden H - For showing a fantastic attitude towards learning and always trying his best in every task.


Walter - for the mature way you have adapted to the challenges of Grade One. You are kicking goals Walter!

Willow - for having a go and trying your best during our writing sessions. Keep it up Willow!


Sam H - For tackling math activities with confidence and a passion for learning. You're always eager for a new challenge!

Chance B - For the effort and focus to improve your handwriting. Keep up the great work!


Lucy W - For being brave and sharing her fabulous writing with the grade. You read with confidence and enthusiasm, well done Lucy!

Sophia N - For transitioning into Kalinda beautifully. You are such a valued member of our class, and we are so happy to have you!


Lily B - for being a respectful leader within our classroom. You are always listening and following instructions. Keep it up Lily!

Kayla G - For showing the Kalinda value of Kindness. You helped stack all the chairs within our classroom without being asked. Thanks Kayla!


Mio G - For being a self-reflective learner, identifying errors and setting future goals for herself.

Scarlett H - for enthusiastically engaging in our class discussions and demonstrating deep thinking.


Billy P: For an excellent start to the year, your work and concentration truly stand out, setting a strong foundation for a great year.

Lachlan J: For pursuing your personal best during challenging moments, even when unsure of what to do, your dedication and effort truly shine.


Eddie H - for pursuing your personal best in all areas of school. We’re so proud of you

Zoe P - for being a kind and caring member of our class. You make everyone feel welcomed and appreciated. 


Abby S: for always pursuing your personal best no matter what the task.

Emily N: for willingly helping others without being asked - you are a fabulous role model for your peers.


Isaac S: for staying back after everyone had left to put all of our chairs up! You truly are a kind and selfless member of our class.

Cora R: for being so engaged and contributing your great insights and opinions during our class discussions.


Ruby R: For always offering help when others need it. You demonstrate kindness each and every day!

Toby S: For demonstrating a strong work ethic in writing and pushing yourself to enhance your written pieces. Keep up the great work!


Lucy.A - For your amazing effort to participate in every session and give it your all.

Helaina.W - For the kindness and support that you show towards your classmates.


Sade C - for the thoughtful and interesting contributions you make to our class discussions.

Harry L - for pursuing your personal best in everything you do. Keep up the awesome effort!