Production 2025

The Wizard of Oz
This show will be full of all the characters you know and love from the many Wizard of Oz adaptations, loads of great songs, some well-known and well-loved, and others that are brand new and written especially for the production.
Our production will be held in the evenings on Wednesday 20th August and Thursday 21st August. More details about the exact time that the show will start, what time students will be required, and how to get tickets will be sent out closer to the date.
Our production will star every single student in the school. Grade 5/6s are invited to audition for speaking roles and/or a specialist dance group. Students who are successful in getting a speaking or specialist dance role will perform on both nights. All other students, including all students from Foundation to Grade 4 will perform on one of the two nights.
To ensure that there is an even number of students performing on each night, your family will be allocated to either Night A (Wednesday 20th August) or Night B (Thursday 21st August). Confirmation about which night you have been allocated will be sent out shortly.
If your child/ren has a family member at the school with a different surname to them please email me at to tell me so that I can ensure that all family members are allocated to the same night.
Audition packs were handed out to Grade 5/6s who would like to audition for a speaking or singing role. If your child missed out on a pack and would like to audition please ask them to collect a pack from me before Tuesday.
Putting on a show such as this takes a huge team of people, and we will be looking for volunteers to help with a range of jobs over the coming months. If you think you could help out in any way at all please fill in the google form here:
We are especially looking for a team of people who can help to make costumes, sets and props, so if you are handy with a hot glue gun, a super-star on the sewing machine, passionate about painting, or just want to help in any way you can, we would love to have you on the team.
We are also looking for people to co-ordinate the sets, props and costume teams, so if that sounds like something you would be interested in, please click on the link above and sign up to be a co-ordinator.
You will need to have a current Working with Children Check and be prepared to sign the DET Child Safety Code of Conduct once a year. When you are on site, you need to sign in at the office.
There will be a lot more information about production coming out to families over the next few months, so please make sure that you keep your eyes out for Compass posts and read the school newsletter to make sure that you don’t miss any important details.
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at
I look forward to working with all our fantastic students to put on this wonderful show.
Kind regards,
Sarah Butler
Performing Arts Teacher