Kalinda Parents and Friends

Hello to all the Kalinda families! 


The Parents & Friends are looking forward to a range of fun events for this year. We have Mother's and special persons and Father's and special persons day stalls,  bake sales and an adults social games night planned for this year too.  


When we are closer to the date we will ask for helpers. Keep an eye out on Compass and in the newsletter. Any volunteer in a school requires a valid Working with Children Check, sign the DET code of conduct once a year and needs to sign in, ( using Passtab) once onsite.


Any parents, guardians or family members are always welcome to join us as a team member or to help out for an event ( with a valid WWCC ) People can join at any time to become a general member & assist behind the scenes to plan & prepare the fun events that happen at our school. 


Reach out to us at kalindapandf@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to know more. Or direct message us on Facebook. 


We look forward to a fun year! 


Kalinda Parents & Friends