Library News

We’re back!
It was so lovely to welcome classes back into the library last week. We had some great conversations about what we’ve been reading, some changes in the library, and what we all think a good library session should look, sound, and feel like. Here are some of the ideas the students came up with:
Look: people browsing books, walking, sitting on the furniture or floor, reading alone or with a partner, books put back on shelves, furniture neat and tidy.
Sound: quiet voices, the turning of pages, the ‘beep’ of the book scanner.
Feel: calm, peaceful, relaxing, cosy, safe.
Lunch Clubs are back!
The library is open five days a week for students who need a change of pace from the playground, or who want to try something new. There’s something for everyone!
Monday: Quiet Club (reading, drawing, colouring, quiet lego, etc)
Tuesday: Chess, Puzzles & Boardgames
Wednesday: Writing Group (Gr 2-6), Marrung Club
Thursday: Chess, Puzzles & Boardgames
Friday: Quiet Club (reading, drawing, colouring, quiet lego, etc)
Students are always welcome to come in and read!
Quiet Club
Scholastic Book Club dates 2025
(subject to change)
16th March
11th May
8th June
10th August
7th September
26th October
23rd November
Martina Medica,
Kalinda Library