Primary Sub School News

Sub School Leader: Michelle Davies

Welcome to Week 4 everyone!


XUNO Reports

Please ensure that incident/wellbeing reports are recorded in a timely manner to ensure clear documentation and follow-up. Reach out to either your buddy classroom or myself if you need support with how to do this.


Marking Attendance 

The roll must be completed before 10am. If a student arrives late/leaves early, you need to change the code on the roll accordingly.  If a student’s absence is unexplained, follow the student absence flowchart. If you can't obtain a reason by day 2, please complete a Xuno wellbeing report.


Essential Assessment

Please complete these assessments as required. Paper and electronic assessments are available. This program also has games and activities linked to the assessment results. 


Key Dates:

  • Weeks 3, 4 & 5 - SSG’s - if you require a translator, please let Kay know the student's name, date/time of the SSG, phone/in person and language.
  • Excursion documentation is due by the end of Week 7 (14th March).
  • Labour Day Public Holiday - Monday 10th March
  • Curriculum Day - Tuesday 11th March
  • Harmony Day- Thursday 20th March
  • IEP goals completed - Monday 31st March @ 9:00
  • Circus Skills incursion - Wednesday 2nd April

First aiders

 Please complete both the paper and Edusafe reports.


Sun Smart

Please ensure that students have their hat on when they play outside and encourage them to stay in the shade; this also includes any outside break time during a work session. We will announce an inside lunch/recess break when the UV reaches 10.


Best wishes
